Meet the TeamNick ButlerOwner & WebmasterFrom 2009: Nick, a fan of both film and marketing, began following viral campaigns in 2007. In early 2009, Nick launched MovieViral with Dan Koelsch. Some of his interests are politics, history, computers and comedy.SometimesWeekly.comDan KoelschCo-Founder & Executive EditorFrom 2009: Dan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Radio, TV, Film from Cal State Fullerton with a Minor in Advertising. His passions are Star Trek and Superman.LinkedInAre you interested in joining the team? Send an email to hello@movieviral.comSince 2009, has been built with the help of dedicated contributors.Past contributors include: Alex Gerage, Binyamin Wallin, Caleb Hamilton, Christopher G Moore, Connor Behrens, Corey Anderson, David Weaver, Iain Welford, Ian DeVere, Kevin C, Kristopher Stoltz, Lincoln Carpenter, Marc Vibbert, Matt Poole, Michael Lee, Sabina Ibarra, Scott Caldwell, and Zach Oldenburg.