Friendless South Park Character Gets Facebook Page Dan Koelsch, April 18, 2010April 18, 2010 We really should have seen this coming. Last week we discussed a recent episode of South Park that covered, among other things, Facebook. In the show, a character is introduced named Kip Drordy. Kip has no friends until Kyle kindly adds him. The episode revolved this fake friendship, and now you can be Facebook friends with Kip too. Find out more after the break. At the end of last week’s episode, Kyle finally drops Kip as a friend, but in the process (watch the show to find out how) Kyle gets all of Stan’s 100,000+ friends. So, of course, a fan how now set up a page for Kip, likely in hopes of matching that 100 thousand total. OK, so technically it’s a Fan Page, not a profile, so you can only be his fan, not his friend. Either way, you can now “Like” all his status updates just like Kyle! The page is a success, since there are over 130,000 fans as of this writing. It’s worth checking out for the hilarious pictures fans post and the character-accurate elements of the page like the status updates. What’s interesting is that the page was created the day BEFORE the episode aired. Since it’s not affiliated with the Comedy Central show (according to our story source Mashable), it shows how dedicated fans are to the series. For a better idea of Kip’s character, take a look at the clips below. Viral Marketing Comedy CentralFacebookSouth Park
Dance Like Oz in “American Reunion” Contest July 8, 2012July 8, 2012American Reunion comes out on Blu-ray and DVD this Tuesday, and to promote the release, Universal Home Entertainment is hosting a contest on the video social networking site Tout. Find out how to enter and what you can win, after the break. Read More
Win ‘Tweet to See it First’ and See “Paranormal Activity 3” Before Its Release September 28, 2011September 28, 2011Yesterday, Paramount’s marketing team sent out clips for Paranormal Activity 3 to horror specified blogs and now they have unveiled another part of their marketing scheme to have tweeters tweet to see it first. The studio has launched a campaign early this morning where the top 20 cities in the… Read More
Watch NBC’s Community Web Series April 23, 2010As we promised, NBC’s Community debuted their first ever webisodes yesterday on their homepage. In “The Spanish Video Assignment”, Abed and Starburns present their video assignment to the Spanish class. Though highly entertaining, the video didn’t follow the guidelines, so Professor Chang allows them to do it over again, as… Read More