Premake Trailers Turn Your Favorites Into 50s B Movies Dan Koelsch, May 20, 2010 Many fans know that Indiana Jones series is based on the old 1940s action serials, but what if it was really made during that time? Ivan Guerrero mashes up old clips from serials and B-Movies in the 40s and 50s, and makes them into trailers for some of your favorite films, calling them “Premakes”. He’s done everything from Raiders of the Lost Ark to Forrest Gump to his latest, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Check out a few of his videos, including side-by-side comparisons, after the break. Empire Strikes Back (Regular and Side-by-Side) Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark Forrest Gump Check out Ivan’s YouTube channel for more info on these, as well as to see more videos. Viral Marketing Empire Strikes BackFan MadeForrest GumpIndiana JonesRaiders of the Lost ArkStar Wars
Justice Timberlake Brings His Suit and Tie to “Saturday Night Live” March 10, 2013Justin Timberlake returned for the fifth time as the host (and musical guest) of this weekend’s Saturday Night Live, and he starred in a funny parody trailer called “Romantic Comedy”. Check out that skit after the break along with the full episode. Read More
Are You Walking…. And Dead? October 13, 2010January 25, 2011One of the most exciting times of the year for me, is Halloween. Not only do I get candy (not from trick-or-treating, but from buying it in bulk), but I have a great reason to watch all types of horror flicks, at any time of the day. And one of… Read More
TRON: Legacy Comic-Con Footage Leaked July 23, 2010July 24, 2010I’m sure Disney is going to pull this within the hour, so I’m going to keep this short and sweat. The eight minutes of TRON: Legacy footage that was shown at Comic-Con has (finally) made its way onto YouTube. After the jump watch the shaky-handheld-but-watchable video after the break. Read More