“Limitless” Viral: NZT Mails Out Drug Samples Dan Koelsch, December 10, 2010March 21, 2011 Yesterday we told you about the fake drug commercial starring Bradley Cooper that was really a viral video for his upcoming film Limitless. Well, it looks like the viral marketing doesn’t stop there, as the company behind the NZT drug sent me a package in the mail. What’s inside? Find out after the break. Drug company FluerColeYoko sent me a package that included a sample of NZT and a key-shaped USB flash drive. The drug’s full name is thallanylzirconio-methyl-tetrahydro-triazatriphenylene, and it’s usage is supposed to make you smarter, stronger, and have better senses. Of course, the extreme side effects range from paralysis to urinary tract infection to “sudden” death. That being said, I decided to go ahead and try one of the two pills. Fortunately (sort of) for me, it was just a disgusting menthol mint. The flash drive contained a copy of Cooper’s commercial for NZT, which I’ve included below, along with my unpacking photos. We’ll have to see if this is just a one-off viral marketing ploy, or if they are gearing up for a whole campaign. There’s still over 3 months before the film is out, and I hadn’t even heard of it before now (it was previously titled “The Dark Fields” after the Alan Glynn novel it’s based on), so this tactic is definitely working. However, it doesn’t look to be canon, as the drug is portrayed in the film as being top-secret. Limitless is directed by Neil Burger and also stars Robert De Niro. The thriller will release in theaters here in the US on March 18, 2011, distributed by Relativity Media and Rogue Pictures. Read more about the Limitless viral campaign here. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Bradley CooperLimitlessMailViral video
“Labor Day” Instagram Contest Wants You To Define Love January 21, 2014Jason Reitman‘s Labor Day takes a look at what happens when a reclusive mother (Kate Winslet) falls in love with a wanted fugitive (Josh Brolin) during the Labor Day weekend. What was suppose to be a regular day of shopping for school supplies turns into an unlikely hostage situation with… Read More
AdWeek’s Best of 2000s Includes Viral Videos, Super Bowl Ads, and More December 16, 2009Adweek, the leading source of news for the advertising industry, has compiled their list of greatest hits of the decade. While most of the categories are for regular advertising, there are some interesting categories worth taking a look at. Their “Media” section has such categories as best Web Site (YouTube),… Read More
Latest Star Wars-Adidas Promo Gives You Control of the Death Star June 30, 2010Adidas has released another viral promotion for their Star Wars line of Adidas Originals. Many of you will remember the deftly made ‘Star Wars Cantina 2010’ video released earlier in the month, which seamlessly placed several of today’s biggest celebrities in the classic scene. The shoe company’s latest viral activity… Read More
Why sample the clear pill when you can get the real thing on Amazon (yes, NZT-48 is real)? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SGWDOK