Could Recent Jerusalem UFO Videos Be Viral For “Battle: Los Angeles”? Dan Koelsch, February 3, 2011February 3, 2011 The blogosphere has been aflutter in the past day or so over some video clips of UFOs hovering over Jerusalem. The legitimacy of the clips, supposedly taken over this past weekend, has caused some controversy online. Skeptics have torn the videos apart bit by bit, but nothing is certain. Now, however, we have an interesting theory as to the source and purpose of the videos. The clips supposedly were shot this weekend, and they show a glowing ball descend from the sky and hover over Dome of the Rock. What the object could be is limited as this is restricted air space. Watch the videos below (via AOL News) to see for yourself.The critiques from skeptics range from the audio sounding like it was edited in, to at least one clip just being a manipulated photograph. One theory I’ve gotten emailed about is that this was made by the marketing people behind Sony’s Battle: Los Angeles as part of the viral marketing campaign. While the W.A.T.C.H. Facebook page did pick up on the story, I doubt Sony is behind this. What do you think? Thanks to Cameron M. for the heads up! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Battle: Los AngelesViral videoW.A.T.C.H.
Viral Video Round Up: Star Trek, Star Wars, James Bond, Portlandia, And More! January 28, 2013January 28, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Michael Moore Gets Clever In Theaters June 13, 2009June 15, 2009Michael Moore, known best for harassing alzheimer sufferers (Charleston Heston) and being portrayed as a terrorist (by Team America and Bill O’Reilly), is working on an as-yet-titled film that covers the bank bailout. Sounds promising given his past work, despite his annoying voice. Why is this news-worthy? Well, Friday night,… Read More
Want To Smell Like Princess Leia or Lando Calrissian? Well Now You Can! August 23, 2010Ladies, look at your man, now back to Lando Calrissian. Now back at your man, now back to Lando. Sadly, he isn’t Lando, but he could smell like Lando with new character colognes and perfumes from Star Wars. Slave Princess Leia joins the party as well, as the two get… Read More
It’s unlikely a viral for that movie because it bears no resemblance to anything in the trailer. The trailer shows meteorites not hovering objects.
JJ Abrams is known for viral campaigns and his upcoming “Super 8” has already been advertising, so this could be related to that one rather than “Battle”.
As a believer in the UFO phenomenon, I don’t appreciate red herrings. If this is indeed a viral marketing stunt I will certainly not be seeing this film. On a side note; I’m growing weary of Alien invasion films. If we’re ever to have disclosure, it’s better we enter into it without Hollywood based presuppositions.
Aliens are real regardless of the outcome of this whole scenario. If it does end up being a viral for that movie, its only a matter of time tell the real deal happens. Then when the aliens do actually come were all gonna think its another viral and it’s gonna piss em of and screw us all. But I don’t think that’s what it is. There is enough evidence building up from ancient times all through the centuries that give credit to their existence, and it amazes me people are unable to see the big picture.
I don’t know, do angles decend from large objects in the sky with blinking red lights. Check out the video.
Real or not, something is up. Significant sigtings or events hae occurred over the last year. A significant number of governments are releasing files. Crazy goings ons with China & Mongolia airport clousures. Strange missles flying over the US west coust. Triangle “Doritos” flying over the UK, strange spirals in Norway & Austrailia, the Kean book, and yesterday NASA announced that they have found several planets that could sustain life…..seems like we are being prepped
To tell you the truth I WANT to believe in this. This is a serious question. Can anyone explain why ufo’s would need lights? It seems like if they could travel across the vast distance that they would have to travel that they wouldn’t need lights. There are several ways to look at it. Computers can land our airplanes but we still have lights. It could be crowded on the planet they go back to. Surely they don’t travel at twice the speed of light just chilling on their own planet. But wouldn’t they have a stealth mode or something? What about Israeli radar? Does anyone know if anything showed up?Stumped.
this has absolutely nothing to do with religion. they were investigating the huge electrical generators which were brought to temple mount from jordan.
I dont think its real. In the first video there is massive flash before the ship takes off again. In the second there is no flash to be seen and they were closer to the so called ufo….. A mistake the editor clearly forgot to fix in both videos and is enough evidence for me to disprove.
there are four different videos of this event, three from a distance and one much closer to the Dome. The flash is seen in the more distant videos, which are far enough away that there is less ambient light. The other video was shot in an area where there is so much light, the flash isn’t visible. If this is a hoax, and the videographers are involved, then there would have had to be a concerted effort by four different videographers to come up with these four different videos, and I haven’t heard anything that indicates these people even know each other. Not saying this *isn’t* a hoax, just that your “evidence” doesn’t pan out.