Oreo Brand Goes Global With Its Marketing For The New “Transformers” Film Christopher Moore, May 15, 2014 The well-known cookie brand Oreo has done some movie tie-ins in the past, but nothing like this. For the first time ever, it’s inked a global movie marketing deal with Paramount Pictures to help promote their upcoming film, Transformers: Age of Extinction. After the break, find out some of the specifics of their marketing campaign.Along with product placement in the movie, the campaign would cover more than 35 countries and include a global television spot directed by Michael Bay. The spot is called “Little Help,” and will run in more than 15 countries. The ad involves an Oreo cookie providing a moment of support while the Transformers robots carry on their fight against evil.Other parts of the campaign include digital advertising, special Oreo packaging and signage that highlights the movie tie-in. Some parts of the world like Southeast Asian will get customized Oreo flavors like “prime berry creme,” while Asia and Latin America get cookies embossed with Transformers logos. The brand is also unleashing movie themed activities via their mobile app, “Oreo’s Twist, Lick and Dunk.”Transformers: Age of Extinction arrives in theaters and on 3D in the US on June 27th. You can check out the film’s latest trailer at our post here. Viral Marketing Michael BayOreoParamount PicturesTransformers 4Transformers: Age of Extinction
This Week In Viral – New Forum Edition April 19, 2009March 27, 2010With our forum going through a transition phase during our upgrade, getting all the viral info is a bit complicated, so here’s just a brief review of some updates this week. Read More
Toy Story 3 Oscar Campaign Gets Noticed December 28, 2010Almost every film with a shot at an Oscar (and even some that don’t) starts a campaign around this time of year for their respective category. Usually they are simple and uninteresting, thus go unnoticed. However, Disney’s Best Picture campaign for Toy Story 3 is drawing attention for its unique… Read More
Hollywood’s Sons of Anarchy Infrographic January 18, 2013We have a little something to tide fans over while they wait for FX’s hit biker show Sons of Anarchy to return for a sixth season this Fall. After the break, check out Hollywood’s Biggest Biker Badass infographic courtesy of BikeBandit.com. Read More