Pacific Rim: Design Your Own Jaeger Dan Koelsch, May 11, 2013May 11, 2013 In Pacific Rim, gigantic sea monsters called Kaiju terrorize coastal populations from another dimension, so the world has to come together to design and build Jaegers, massive robots that can defeat the Kaiju. Now, Warner Bros. is letting you get in on the action yourself with their Jaeger Designer. Get the details after the break. The Jaeger Designer app is actually one of the cooler interactive features I’ve seen from Warner Bros. First, you get to construct a Jaeger using a few preset options for each part of the body: the head, chest, upper and lower arms, etc. You can even choose to have each part show signs of battle, rust, or dirt. After you add some decals, you can colorize your Jaeger, then create a custom poster. There’s a lot of great design options for the poster, including choosing a name and country, poses, and background. Then, you can download the image or share it with your friends online. Below is what I created (inspired by Iron Patriot and Captain America).Try it out for yourself and let us know what you think. In order to save your design for future changes, you’ll have to connect with Facebook.Pacific Rim opens in theaters on July 12th. Viral Marketing Pacific Rim
Viral Watch: Team Conan or Team Leno? Either Way, NBC is Dying January 12, 2010NBC has tried to embrace viral marketing by launching multiple campaigns for shows like The Office, Community, and even Late Night, but it seems that NBC is now shooting themselves in the foot. I’ll admit their not “launching” a campaign this time, but their recent handling of the Jay Leno-Conan… Read More
This Week In Viral: Week of 6/8/09 June 15, 2009June 15, 2009This was a good week for viral, especially for District 9, which saw more posters, an official website (finally), and now more footage. Matt will have a full breakdown of the footage screened in front of Pelham 123 in some theaters tomorrow. The clips showed more of the aliens (including… Read More
Cedar Rapids: Deanzie’s Guide To ‘Business’ Conventions February 1, 2011Fox Searchlight’s comedy Cedar Rapids debuted to mostly positive reviews at the Sundance Film Festival last week. They started some viral goodies for us, and now they have expanded to include another website, this time focusing on John C. Reilly’s character Dean Ziegler. Read More