MovieViral Contest: Win ‘Hancock’ on Blu-Ray! Dan Koelsch, April 2, 2009March 15, 2010 Want to win a copy of ‘Hancock’ on Blu-Ray? You’ll have to be clever. Find out the rules after the jump. First, you got to be a member of our forum, so sign up! Submit a 250+ word treament/plot summary of your idea for a Cloverfield sequel. Entries can be submitted to Dan via Private Message (PM) in the forums. Please try to use proper spelling and grammar. The forum administrators will narrow down the entries to 5 nominees. Then, we will let the members vote for the winner. Poll for winner will be posted by April 24th, with the winner being announced by May 1st. Entries must be submitted by 11:59PM PDT APRIL 20TH, 2009. If you have any questions, PM Dan or check out the forum thread. Good luck! Contests CloverfieldContestsHancock
Contests J.J. Abrams Gives You A Chance To Be In Star Wars: Episode VII May 21, 2014July 18, 2014With production already started on the next entry in the Star Wars universe, J. J. Abrams has announced a way that one lucky fan could have a part in Episode VII. After the break, find out how to get your name in the running to play a character in a galaxy far, far away and how… Read More
Win A Copy of “The Wizard of Oz: 75th Anniversary Edition” from Habitat For Humanity October 14, 2013October 13, 2013The year, The Wizard of Oz celebrates its 75th anniversary. Earlier this month, a special DVD was released for the occasion, and now you have the chance to win it thanks to Habitat for Humanity. Get the details after the break. Read More
Gallery 1988 Handing Out “Fringe” Benefits December 10, 2012December 10, 2012J.J. Abrams‘ sci-fi cult hit Fringe is just a few episodes away from the series finale, and fans are doing all they can to take in every single moment of every single episode while they still have a chance. For those who may not follow the show, Fringe centers on… Read More