Breaking: District 9 Trailer With Subtitles and No Pixelation! Dan Koelsch, May 6, 2009April 7, 2010 Usually I don’t post individual viral updates, especially for District 9 (I usually leave that up to Nick over at, our sister website) but this is brand new and caught my attention. New forum member ‘nuorigin’ found an alternate District 9 trailer in which the alien’s speech is subtitled, and the alien’s face is not pixelated (see pic above). Check it out for yourself after the break. Looks like we’re forcing the aliens to stay here. Without the pixelation, they seem less scary surprisingly. The alien actually seems sad, almost downtrodden, which makes sense given the storyline. I feel bad for them now. Discuss the new video in our forum or in the comments below. UPDATE: It looks like the video was originally posted on on May 4th. The site’s author, George, claims the alien in the video is him. Viral Marketing ChristopherDistrict 9Trailer
Proof That The Ghostbusters Are Still Cool May 19, 2010In the past year or so, there has been a lot of buzz about a potential third movie to the Ghostbusters series. The first two have become classics, and there have been rumors on a new sequel that would involve the original cast, and possibly even comedy mastermind Judd Apatow…. Read More
There Are A Lot of Answers In District 9 August 19, 2009August 19, 2009A really great interview has been posted over at which asks some great questions to director Neill Blomkamp. And in return, some interesting answers. Take a look. One actor plays all of the talking aliens. It’s only one actor who plays every alien, it’s Jason Cope. He plays every… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Updates February 14, 2012March 21, 2012If you’ve been following along, a twitter account for the new The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign, Mark of the Spider-Man, was created and sent out coordinates for several U.S. cities late last week. Following the coordinates, players found Peter Parker’s backpack full of different items, including running shoes and the… Read More