Learn About Captain America’s Shield In Featurette Sponsored By Norton Dan Koelsch, June 19, 2011 Symantec’s Norton antivirus and computer protection line of software is a staple in the tech industry, but it doesn’t hurt to team up with a summer blockbuster. Finding an enlightened connection between their software and Marvel’s Captain America, Norton brings us a featurette called “Behind the Shield” via their Facebook page. The video gives a good look at the film and has some insightful interviews with director Joe Johnston, star Chris Evans, the prop master and more. Check it out after the break. Captain America opens in theaters on July 22nd.Source: FirstShowing.net Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos Captain AmericaMarvelNortonThe Avengers
James Franco Jumps On Crowdfunding Bandwagon with “Palo Alto Stories” June 18, 2013You may not know that actor James Franco wrote and published a book of short stories titled Palo Alto: Stories two years ago. Well, now he is looking to turn three of the stories into feature length films with the help of Indiegogo. Get the details after the break. Read More
Call Jonah Hill and He Just Might Babysit for You September 8, 2011September 8, 2011It’s hard to find a sitter now-a-days. You got to screen everyone just to be sure that you will see your kid when you come home. So why not trust Jonah Hill. Sure he may have some questionable babysitting methods, but don’t let that deter you, why not call him… Read More
Breaking Bad: Loaded With Viral! March 19, 2010April 7, 2010The critically acclaimed show, Breaking Bad, is just about to enter it’s third season in a couple of days on the AMC network, and the series is filled with all types of viral marketing, it’s been keeping me busy, and hopefully I don’t leave anything out. The show is centered… Read More