Even More District 9 Banners and Posters Dan Koelsch, June 9, 2009June 15, 2009 This past week even more District 9 signs have shown up around Los Angeles and other major cities. You can see the full collection of banners, posters, and billboards by Sony in high quality here. There’s also a new version of the target practice poster that is just the target, as seen below.So, not much, but still interesting. I really like the creativeness of the signs and their placement. I’m also glad there’s a one-stop-shop for these. Thanks to FirstShowing for the heads up.In other District 9 news, there is a rumor circulating that a new trailer will be out this month, possibly in front of Pelham 123, since Sony is one of the studios behind that film. Keep an eye out this weekend if you see the Denzel Washington thriller. Viral Marketing District 9
“Cedar Rapids” Sends Out Calendar, Gets Viral Website January 14, 2011January 14, 2011The Fox Searchlight comedy Cedar Rapids is only a few weeks away from its February 11th theatrical release, but we are now just seeing some viral marketing, and its targeted for the film’s Sundance Film Festival premiere this month. There’s nothing like a non-working website and calendar to get you… Read More
I.F. Sentinel Is Looking For A Few Good Men With These New Recruitment Posters for “Ender’s Game” July 2, 2013Roughly 3 months ago, we here at MovieViral discovered if-sentinel.com, a then dormant website for the upcoming big screen adaptation to Orson Scott Card’s 1985 novel, Ender’s Game. Now it seems that site has indeed gone viral and has begun spinning up its propaganda machine to get new recruits, like… Read More
Comic-Con: ‘9’ Viral in San Diego July 14, 2009June 6, 2010For those of you attending Comic-Con, the upcoming film 9 will have a mini viral campaign over the 4-day span. Take a ride on the 9 San Diego Pedicabs and be the first to see exclusive videos and content for 9 when you unlock the QR code. Make sure you… Read More
So they are spending a lot of time on posters and three poor looking websites. They need to make the viral a little more varied. Granted it’s getting attention, but it’s weak