Even More District 9 Banners and Posters Dan Koelsch, June 9, 2009June 15, 2009 This past week even more District 9 signs have shown up around Los Angeles and other major cities. You can see the full collection of banners, posters, and billboards by Sony in high quality here. There’s also a new version of the target practice poster that is just the target, as seen below.So, not much, but still interesting. I really like the creativeness of the signs and their placement. I’m also glad there’s a one-stop-shop for these. Thanks to FirstShowing for the heads up.In other District 9 news, there is a rumor circulating that a new trailer will be out this month, possibly in front of Pelham 123, since Sony is one of the studios behind that film. Keep an eye out this weekend if you see the Denzel Washington thriller. Viral Marketing District 9
Exclusive 2012 Posters August 27, 2009August 27, 2009Sony Pictures had a tweet today in regards to “Rio, D.C. and L.A. get destroyed”. Click on the link, and sure enough, they are all being destroyed. Then again, during the apocalypse, not much is safe. Take a look at these great posters. The end of the world is coming… Read More
ABC’s Castle Incorporates ARG Into Season Finale May 23, 2010May 24, 2010While everyone’s attention is seemingly focused on the upcoming series finale of LOST, another ABC show keenly incorporated an alternate reality game into the plot of their season finale. Over at her Giant Mice blog, ARG pro Brooke Thompson pointed out that the recent season two finale of ABC’s Castle… Read More
How To Turn a Regular Ad Viral: 11 Creative Billboards November 24, 2009November 23, 2009It’s hard to get your brand recognized nowadays with all the advertising noise out in the world, the Internet, and TV. Thus, you need to find a way to separate yourself from the bunch. ARGs and viral campaigns are one way to do that, but you can do it on… Read More
So they are spending a lot of time on posters and three poor looking websites. They need to make the viral a little more varied. Granted it’s getting attention, but it’s weak