Catch The Viral: Find the MNU Memo! Dan Koelsch, June 16, 2009June 29, 2009 Catch The Viral is a segment where we ask you for help with viral. Viral campaigns are intrinsically interactive, so the more people who help, the more likely we can find all the goodies. The MNU Spreads Lies group posted a very interesting tweet on Twitter this evening.There is a memo on, talking about an agent named Wikus who has gone rogue. Check out my blog for the access code to read the memo.On, there is a place to enter an access code in both the human and non-human sections. Now, I checked the site and didn’t see anything. This is where you come in. Leave a comment if you find the access code, and especially if you find the memo itself. We’ll be sure to give you credit when we do an article on content of that memo.Good luck! Viral Marketing District 9
“The Simpsons” Gets A Lego Designed Episode February 20, 2014Briefly: With the success of all the Lego video games and the recent smash hit The Lego Movie crushing the box office, the team behind Fox’s The Simpsons are teaming up with the toy company to create an episode designed entirely by Lego. Fox consumer products say that the episode… Read More
New “Star Trek Into Darkness” Trailer Sends You On An Easter Egg Hunt To Find New Poster March 21, 2013The eagle-eyed viewers of TrekMovie found hidden URLs within the different localized versions of the new Star Trek Into Darkness international trailer. These URLs link to the new international posters for the film. Check out where they found the hidden link in the UK/Austrailan trailer and the new revealed international poster after the break. Read More
“Real Steel” Starts a Viral Campaign March 15, 2011June 16, 2011Promotions for Walt Disney Pictures’ upcoming rock em’ sock em’ robots film Real Steel has been quiet as of late. Perhaps one of the reasons why is that rather than releasing clips or a new trailer the studio has gone forward with a viral marketing campaign. Marketing has started at… Read More
Already found man….XDCheck out my twitter or: