New District 9 Videos on YouTube Dan Koelsch, June 24, 2009July 3, 2009 So, I’m surfing YouTube at 1:00 AM and I notice that Sony Pictures has an MNU video on their YouTube page. Then I go to their page and realize there are actually three new District 9 videos in the last 24 hours. Here are all three videos:The first video is pretty benign, just a commercial for Multi-National United. Some of you may have noticed it on the MNU website. The second two are MNU alerts found on and give us some pretty good looks at the Non-Humans. Here are a couple screenshots I was able to pull. If I can get higher quality images, I’ll update this post. What do you think of the videos? I think they’re pretty cool. Definitely great to see more the of the non-humans and how they move. Let me know if you see any more videos. Viral Marketing District 9
Massive “Star Trek Into Darkness” Domestic Marketing Push Starting Next Week! April 10, 2013April 10, 2013Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen big international marketing operations for several of this summer’s big blockbusters, including Star Trek Into Darkness. TrekMovie has come across some information that suggests that Paramount is getting ready to shift its focus and start promoting the film more here in the… Read More
New Clip from Shane Acker’s 9 July 17, 2009July 17, 2009We just recieved this cool new clip from 9, the Tim Burton-produced film directed by Shane Ackler. This film definitely seems to be action-packed, and the animation is beautiful. Let us know what you think in the comments below. 9 opens nationwide September 9th. See our page on the film… Read More
“The Walking Dead” Have Invaded Facebook! October 8, 2011October 12, 2011Do you absolutely love video editing and are a fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead? Well you’re in luck because Facebook, AMC TV, and Pizza Hut have created an app that mashes up those two things you love. The Walking Dead Mashup Facebook app gives you complete creative control over… Read More
Actually, the 3rd video has been on, just click on the little red square underneath “site guide / end tour”, pretty cool though.
I honestly love the Aliens already, the shot of one coming out of the door like “what the hell do you guys want” literally amazed me. I guess I was the only one that it had an impact on like that. I hope we get to find out the actual Alien races name.
Hi very cool videos .. i also found another one… looks fan made but it looks pretty cool .. he left the video with a question and it makes you go WTF? but hes making more videos so it looks like somthing to keep looking at.. he seems like he knows a lot about the movie… check it out here: