Even More District 9 Banners and Posters Dan Koelsch, June 9, 2009June 15, 2009 This past week even more District 9 signs have shown up around Los Angeles and other major cities. You can see the full collection of banners, posters, and billboards by Sony in high quality here. There’s also a new version of the target practice poster that is just the target, as seen below.So, not much, but still interesting. I really like the creativeness of the signs and their placement. I’m also glad there’s a one-stop-shop for these. Thanks to FirstShowing for the heads up.In other District 9 news, there is a rumor circulating that a new trailer will be out this month, possibly in front of Pelham 123, since Sony is one of the studios behind that film. Keep an eye out this weekend if you see the Denzel Washington thriller. Viral Marketing District 9
Mission Icefly: Get Ready For Hunt 3.0! September 3, 2011Briefly: The Traelek Institute is gearing up to open another testing facility, but not before they release more Iceflies! You have until Monday to vote for 3 more cities to get the Iceflies. Head over to the Human Preservation Project hub on 5 Gum’s Facebook page to vote for one… Read More
David Fincher’s “The Social Network” Gets an Interactive Trailer, Breaks Down Facebook September 15, 2010Interactive trailers are becoming more popular lately, and its probably due to the fact you can cramp a lot of interesting stuff into the same package as a regular online trailer. Movies like Scott Pilgrim and Avatar have plenty to fill that space with, usually behind the scenes footage are… Read More
Apollo 18: Big Announcement Tomorrow and Decoder Game Continues February 16, 2011February 17, 2011We haven’t heard much in the past few weeks from Apollo 18, but now we may know why. Also, the film’s Twitter page has been aflutter with a contest that can give you some cool moon-based (no pun intended) prizes. Get the details after the break. Read More
So they are spending a lot of time on posters and three poor looking websites. They need to make the viral a little more varied. Granted it’s getting attention, but it’s weak