Warner Brothers Introduces Movies As Apps Dan Koelsch, February 16, 2011 In what may be the new killer app for the Apple iPad, Warner Brothers has deviced a clever way to distribute their home film releases in a way that is similar to DVDs but designed for the new digital world. They are starting off with releases of The Dark Knight and Inception. Get the details after the break. The two Christopher Nolan films are available as Apps (being called “App Editions”), but the way they work is kind of tricky. The apps themselves are free, but in order to get to the film itself and all the goods, you have to make an in-app purchase. The Dark Knight is $9.99 and Inception is $11.99, but with that 10 or 12 dollars, you get exclusive content like free music, art gallery, behind the scenes video, and more.While I question the in-app purchase side of the concept (I imagine this is to allow you to preview the app before purchasing), this really could be the new way to distribute home releases of films. iPads and other mobile devices are sweeping the nation and world, and to have a more dynamic copy of your favorite films on the go is very enticing, especially when they are about the same price (if not better) as regular digital copies.If this catches on, I hope studios make a single app that you can purchase within to avoid clutter on your phone/tablet, but until then, this is a good start.What do you all think? Watch the video demo of the apps below and click here for the full press release. Source: MacRumors Viral Marketing InceptioniPadiTunesThe Dark KnightWarner Brothers
Mission Icefly: Get Ready For Hunt 3.0! September 3, 2011Briefly: The Traelek Institute is gearing up to open another testing facility, but not before they release more Iceflies! You have until Monday to vote for 3 more cities to get the Iceflies. Head over to the Human Preservation Project hub on 5 Gum’s Facebook page to vote for one… Read More
Where to Find Super 8 and Rocket Poppeteers Comics June 1, 2011To help promote Paramount Pictures’ Super 8, two short form comic books have been created. The Rocket Poppeteers comic has been known for a while, and now we know where you can find them. Also, you can get the recently discovered Super 8 comic now, and without paying for it… Read More
District 9 Tickets On Sale Now July 26, 2009July 26, 2009Just a quick little heads up on a Sunday afternoon, District 9 tickets have gone on sale at Fandango! There will probably be midnight showings, but that varies depending on what theater and where that theater is. The movie opens in just under 3 weeks, so you have plenty of… Read More