Check this out: Viral campaign or real? Nick Butler, July 1, 2009July 1, 2009 A new video on YouTube has millions asking if it’s a viral campaign for a movie or just real, and scary. It’s a video of an “unknown life-form” in a North Carolina sewer. This could go either way. If you haven’t seen it, take a look:Over 1,000,000 views in less than a day. If it is a viral, it’s good, and it reminds me of the original Quarantine viral video which also started out with 1,000,000 views in one day.It has taken YouTube and Twitter by surprise, people saying things likeIf this isn’t a viral for a horror movie, we should all be very scared.From my understanding, the original video was actually removed which just adds to the suspicion. We’ll keep you posted.Posted by Nick Butler, follow him on Twitter. New to the site? Check out the About Us page. Register at the forum, which is located at Viral Marketing
Care To Write A Story With Tim Burton? November 24, 2010No, you read that correctly. Tim Burton is writing a story, and you can easily help him via Twitter. We’ve all gotten together in a group and told stories, and we’ve all played games where we add to each others, and not one of those stories was ever started by… Read More
News Dimension Films Would Rather Find Release Date for “Apollo 18” Than Update Its Viral Campaign June 1, 2011June 1, 2011In what was suppose to be one rather exciting viral marketing campaigns of 2011, has turned into a figment of your imagination. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that Apollo 18 cannot find a solid release date. Box Office Mojo is reporting that the release date has shifted for a… Read More
Latest Star Wars-Adidas Promo Gives You Control of the Death Star June 30, 2010Adidas has released another viral promotion for their Star Wars line of Adidas Originals. Many of you will remember the deftly made ‘Star Wars Cantina 2010’ video released earlier in the month, which seamlessly placed several of today’s biggest celebrities in the classic scene. The shoe company’s latest viral activity… Read More
Apparently it’s said to be real, and a known species: