Watch This: Funny People Red Band Trailer Ian DeVere, July 8, 2009July 8, 2009 One of our newest viral campaigns, Funny People, has just released a red band trailer, and it shows a lot more than the green band trailer does (playing in front of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen), including Adam Sandler’s stand-up routine, Seth Rogen’s video-game joke and Seth Rogen in general, Eric Bana’s character, the beautiful Leslie Mann, and much more. As Peter Sciretta over at /Film comments, the trailer is more PG-13 than it is R. Aside from Sandler’s aforementioned routine and one or two F-bombs, nothing here is very vulgar. Still, this movie looks quite promising, and should be one of the funniest movies of the summer (along with The Hangover and Bruno). So what do YOU think of the trailer? Let us know in the comments! Funny People will be released in theaters on July 31st, 2009. It is Judd Apatow’s third film, following The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up. Viral Marketing Funny People
Viral Marketing “Despicable Me” Mini-Movies Hit The Web December 17, 2010Universal Pictures’ Despicable Me had its home release on Blu-ray and DVD this week, and included were three mini-movies featuring the cute minions and the orphan kids. All three are now online (though at least the “Banana” looks to be an edited version), so you can watch them for yourself… Read More
Post-2012 World Leader Election Coverage September 3, 2009September 3, 2009If you haven’t heard by now, you must be living under a rock. The Institute for Human Continuity is looking for a post-2012 world leader and it could be you! Of course, we have our very own Scott Caldwell running, but what’s the fun if you’re only an advocate? Sign… Read More
The Full Version of “The Inside Experience” Debuts Online To Mixed Reviews September 7, 2011If you’ve followed our coverage of The Inside Experience, then this is the moment you have been waiting for. All the episodes and online components to the “First Interactive Social Horror Film Experience” have been put together into one film, but are fans satisfied? Watch it for yourself after the… Read More
I have seen some trailers of this movie and its really funny. It is a full on comedy movie. Adam Sandler is simply amazing. Jason Schwartzman, the music composer of the film, dons the role of a television celebrity on a sham show ‘Yo Teach’.For more wallpapers, trailers refer Funny People Movie