District 9 – New Trailer is Released Scott Caldwell, July 8, 2009July 8, 2009 Don’t want to waste your time seeing Bruno just to watch the District 9 trailer? Then don’t! We have it here. Released today on Yahoo! movies, the new trailer is filled with a lot of action, aliens, action, robots, and action! Watch it in HD here!We now get a better look at the story through this trailer. As an MNU agent goes “viral” (sorry, I had to) when a container is released, he starts a transformation from human to non-human, becoming a wanted man. On both sides.This went from simply a “based on” type of feature, to what appears to be a full blown blockbuster of a movie. I for one did NOT see that coming. We will have a detailed breakdown of the trailer with screencaps tomorrow. Viral Marketing District 9
Viral Video Round Up: Batman, Goodnight Moon, The Walking Dead, And More! April 22, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
District 9 To Have Fan Screening At Comic-Con! July 10, 2009June 6, 2010Recently, I just learned of a fan screening at the District 9 Community Watch website. Apparantly, they are going to give them away if you follow Sony Pictures on Twitter. Maybe they will do it like the Angels & Demons contest a while back? Well, we do not know yet,… Read More
Viral Video: We Are The World 25 February 13, 2010In early 1985, a colossal group of stars came together for a charity song to help with the fight of AIDS in Africa. 25 years later, a new generation of musicians and filmmakers have come together to remake that song, this time to help Haiti. We discussed the viral support… Read More
I can’t wait till i see in this in the cinema. We will see how the main audience is going to react to this trailer….
I’m pretty disappointed that they’re not keeping the original format of Fiction-Doc but hell, this is fine too! I actually couldn’t really tell what was going on in the trailer. All I was able to make out is that the MNU official got himself sprayed in the face with some substance and he started using a Non-Human bio suit (Kinda like in AIJ).
I also put a page together today showing the new trailer and some of the viral videos used so far by SONY as well as the new poster released today. I can’t wait for this film!