District 9 – Viral Videos Galore! Scott Caldwell, July 10, 2009July 10, 2009 With the release of this week’s exciting trailer, is starting to let the viral out of the cage. Viral that once was thought to be dead is starting to come back to life. D-9.com has two new videos up, so click on the yellow dots that you see on the map. The first new video asks the locals when they first noticed the ships. They didn’t seem to be that startled, so maybe the aliens landed somewhere else first? The second video asks the locals what they eat. Apparently it’s not a great idea to leave your pets outside too long. The videos can also be found in the handy-dandy drop down on the right hand side. Here you can find all videos, as well as some previously discussed memo’s and printable targets. Over at District9movie.com, some new videos have shown up, if you know where to look. Which, I will gladly tell you.Β In the panoramic view, if you hover over certain areas, you will see a text box with a description of the hidden video.Spaceship – Anatomy Video – OLDTop of target – Message from MNU CEO – NEWBottom of target – News Cast – NEW Machine Gun – Ballistics of Alien – NEWMNU logo on truck – Crimes video – OLDOpen door on truck – Non-Human Communication – OLDJOIN MNU Sign – Interview with MNU Agent – NEWWindshield (white truck) – First notice aliens – clip is posted aboveMain Page Graphics now mimic poster So not only are the aliens thick skinned, but they can drive a stick. If you see anything, give us a yell and let us know. Viral Marketing District 9
Viral Video Round Up: Star Wars, Rango, 127 Hours, Sucker Punch, Friday, Movie Titles, and Limitless March 17, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Fox Home Entertainment uses PSAs to Sell DVDs September 23, 2009September 22, 2009Fox Home Entertainment has a funny internet video campaign going on to promote their line up of DVDs. They seem to be using a “One Movie At A Time” moniker in the creation of fake PSAs that use clips from their DVD collection. A YouTube account was created with the… Read More
‘Jurassic World’ Viral Site Launches; New Images Released Reveal Characters November 17, 2014We’ve known that Jurassic World takes place some 22 years after the events of Jurassic Park. Though the subsequent sequels would be considered canon, Colin Treverrow’s upcoming film doesn’t seem to be considered with the multiple returns to the various island Dr. Hammond owned in the films. Now a newly… Read More
The site isn’t loading period for me for some reason Scott. Besides if it’s on youtube, there’s a way to download them. =)
Woah, there we go, the site loaded up. The videos can’t play for some reason when I click on the textboxes but they’re there.I’d like to note: You can hear thumping noises in the background, which I may be speculating but I believe it’s from the mech suit’s heavy pounding.
Also by the truck in the distance is a join MNU billboard… The video on there shows a day in the life of an MNU officer, which shows the Non-humans having frozen a nigerian who owes them money as a form of ransom via cryogenics… Cool