District 9 – What Does it Mean? Scott Caldwell, July 10, 2009July 11, 2009 So we have been watching videos, we have been clicking links, and we have been posting every single thing we can possibly find on what District 9 the “movie” is. But what does District 9 actually mean? It’s been mentioned as an apartheid movie. But I bet it’s a lot closer to home than we think. I was looking around at the panoramic view on the District9Movie.com site and I noticed something. Something that at a quick glimpse, you may just continue to let the screen move on you. But! As a site that loves it’s viral, we scan every single little dot on the screen, just hoping, for something to show. Waiting for a sound. But we always look for the surprise? We never look at what is really there.This is a screen shot taken from the background of the site: Can you see it? Look closer. You are looking in the shed aren’t you? Looking for the surprise. Look above. Look familiar? It should: Is all of the fighting and discrimination of District 9 the same thing that we see on a regular basis between the United States and Mexico? Think about it. “They are taking our jobs” “We pay for the health care” “We can’t understand what they are saying” You hear that just about everyday. Now, you are hearing it through the trailers of District 9. Watch an interview with a local on CNN or MSNBC. Even your local news. You will hear it. So is that what District 9 is all about? Is it really about aliens, or is it about illegal aliens? And on a lighter note, aliens make a chemical that makes you loose control and your eyes get all weird and you become one of them. Mexicans call that “hot sauce” Goodnight! You’ve been great! Keep your eyes and ears open the next time you see some District 9 footage. See if you spot anything else. I know I will. Viral Marketing District 9
“The Guilt Trip” Asks “Why Did I Teach My Mom To Text”? December 2, 2012December 2, 2012The Guilt Trip is a comedy about an inventor (played by Seth Rogen) who takes his mother (Barbara Streisand) on a road trip to sell his new invention. Obviously, travelling with your mother when you are a grown man can be difficult, and the film has tapped into that by… Read More
“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” Victory Tour Posters May Lead To Viral Campaign February 26, 2013Though these poster have been out for quite some time, it is important to acknowledge the viral potential it has. The new victory posters for Lionsgate’s The Hunger Games: Catching Fire are out, and if you are familiar with the novel, then you will recognize immediately that the Victory Tour… Read More
“Tron Legacy” Viral Campaign’s Final Countdown December 1, 2010December 1, 2010After weeks of Internet viral activity, the Tron Legacy viral campaign hits the streets once again. We are only 16 days away from the big release and now the two-year viral campaign is coming to a close. The FlynnLives website has been updated with a message saying “The Final Countdown”… Read More
Gotta say, that’s a little far fetched. Besides, I’m all for keeping ILLEGAL mexicans out of here. It’s not like they accidently crashed here. They brake our laws by crossing the borders and have no respect for our system of becoming a citizen. Sure, some of them are to poor to make it, but what are we? A rescue mission?
Lolllll American Ethnocentrism.Anywhos, I like your enthusiasm, but I’m pretty sure this movie is supposed to be more related to African xenophobia.
I doubt it. Neill is African himself, Pete is really one of few americans working on this project I believe. I think that image is a coincidence. Don’t get me wrong, I know this movie has a message in it but I think it pertains to humanity in general, not just America and Mexico.