2012 – Comic-Con Updates Scott Caldwell, July 23, 2009June 6, 2010 1 – www.whowillsurvive2012.com is updated:A – New design B – A game is coming soon for what looks to be for the iPhone C – download a wallpaper2 – www.thisistheend.com is updated (written by Charlie Frost):A –Just landed the winnie in sunny San Diego. Things are heating up around the convention center, and not just because of the intense solar rays. The line-up looks great this year. With only 4 Comic-Cons left, I guess they’re pulling out all the stops. I heard there are going to be some Mayan experts on one of the panels. Searching the schedule now. But hit me back @CharlieFrost on Twitter if you have more info.Also did anyone get the press release from The IHC this week? If not, check it out here.According to @TheIHC on Twitter, the search for the Ambassadors mentioned in the press release will happen at Comic-con. Interesting. Will update you as I learn more.B –This place is packed today. You gotta see it to believe it. Or tweet to believe it, evidently. I got this postcard on the way in to the convention center this morning.I think it’s cute how The IHC is planning an election and looking for ambassadors for the Post-2012 world. The oxymoron of that phrase cracks me up every time. But you’ll notice the card says they’re giving away gifts. Tweet away amigo. Probably some good stuff.C –I wasn’t planning on devoting so much time to The IHC while I was here, but you can’t script stuff better than this. I have it on the down low that Dr. Ulfert has reached out to some bloggers (see pic) about The IHC efforts. I guess Dr. Ulfert forgot about moi self. Offended? Nah. Horse crap, if you ask me.Remember, folks, you heard it first from Charlie….there is no such thing as Post-2012.D –If you’ve been reading my blog or following me on Twitter, you know how I feel about the IHC’s survival lottery – tom foolery. But you can sign up for a lottery ticket at their Comic-Con booth and also enter into some raffle. My favorite thing they’re giving away? Huge bags that you can fit a small village in. Perfect when packing for 2012.So if anyone sees Charlie Frost in San Diego, tell him MovieViral.com says hello. Comic-Con Events Viral Marketing Comic-Con
Super 8 Viral: Folder and Audio File Found June 2, 2010June 10, 2010After weeks of poking and prodding, a small break has finally been made on the remote computer desktop seen on Scariest Thing I Ever Saw. While this may not be a huge step in Super 8 viral, at least it’s something to tide us over until the Rocket Poppeteers website… Read More
The Last Exorcism Brings Scares On Chatroulette August 19, 2010May 12, 2011The Eli Roth-produced The Last Exorcism has had a small viral presence this summer leading up to its August 27th national release. Now, however, Lionsgate looks to be pushing the viral even more, this time on Chatroulette, the website that allows you to meet and talk to strangers. If you… Read More
Reddit News: Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, Die Hard, and More! February 11, 2013Like many people, I lurk around Reddit during my downtime, and I find some pretty interesting stuff. Sometimes that stuff relates to movies and television, so I feel obligated to share it with our readers. After the break, check out what’s been making the rounds on Reddit recently. Read More