Friday Comic-Con 2009 Updates Ian DeVere, July 24, 2009June 6, 2010 So, by now, Comic-Con is in full swing and updates are pouring in constantly. Here’s the jist of what’s been happening so far: Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland teaser is now online.James Cameron’s epic AVATAR had it’s first footage screened yesterday, and, as expected, everyone loved it.After the footage was shown, James Cameron let out a doozy: on August 21st in 3D theaters everywhere, 15 minutes of AVATAR will be shown for free.In the Q&A for his new movie, The Book of Eli (a trailer is available here), Gary Oldman stated that, quote:The next Batman is next year, so I think it is two years away. But you didn’t hear it from me.District 9 had it’s first screening last night, and has yielded positive responses by everyone who saw it.District 9 director Neil Blomkamp gave an update on the Halo movie, saying he’d rather work on his own ideas at this point, and that he’d probably turn the movie down if it was offered to him.At the District 9 panel, Peter Jackson and Neil gave some insight into the film, including “District 9 was made for the scifi fans and was never made to transcend – if it does, its a testament to the story” and “inspiration for aliens in District 9 was that they were insects who have lost their queen and evolved” (paraphrased quotes are direct from Kelsey’s Twitter)The Tron 2 (now known as TRON Legacy) teaser trailer that was shown last year is now available.Speaking of TRON Legacy, Disney had quite a unique viral game for the movie last night.And we have to mention New Moon, i guess. Two clips were shown and leaked online, but I recommend turning your sound down when watching. Despite all the screaming girls, the clips looked pretty solid. So, those are the biggest things to pop out of Comic-Con thus far. Remember to follow our Comic-Con reporters, Rose and Kelsey, who will both be appearing as very special guests on this weeks ViralCast! Comic-Con Events Viral Marketing Alice in WonderlandAvatarComic-ConDistrict 9HaloNew MoonTron Legacy
Possible New “Paranormal Activity 2” Viral Sites (and Video) October 1, 2010October 1, 2010You know a film has people talking when it’s plastered all over the web, and now TV spots, oh yeah, and not to mention the box office success of the firs film. Plus the fact that we have a handful of articles in just a couple of weeks means the… Read More
C2E2 2013: Pictures From The Show Floor April 28, 2013Another C2E2 has come and gone for thousands of comic book and entertainment aficionados in Chicago. Like the San Diego Comic Con, there is so much going on, between the panels, shows, signings, and exhibits, it is impossible to be able to see and do everything that is offered. I found… Read More
“H+ The Digital Series” Debuts Online August 9, 2012Just over a month ago, we showed you the trailer for H+ The Digital Series, a web series being co-produced by acclaimed director and House M.D. executive producer Bryan Singer. The series is about a future where many people have a device (called H+) hooked up to their brains to… Read More
New Moon was one of he biggest movies at the con, and it got a bigger reaction than Avatar.So I think it needs to be mentioned.
To play Devil’s Advocate, everyone knew that New Moon would be one of the biggest movies, and that it’d get a big reaction from the diehards.You can write an article, if you want.
Yeah but the New Moon clips weren’t that enlightening. I’ll add it to the article, it’s not worth it’s own post. And they were from Thursday not Friday.