New Viral Pages: Iron Man 2 & Tron Legacy Dan Koelsch, July 31, 2009August 1, 2009 After a big Comic-Con weekend, we have added to the site two new pages for recent viral campaigns that started with the convention: Iron Man 2 and Tron Legacy. Be sure to check their pages out for the latest news and websites associated with their viral campaigns. As always, if you think we should add a page for another viral campaign, let us know! Iron Man 2 opens nationwide May 7th, 2010. Tron Legacy will be released in 2011. Site News Iron Man 2Tron Legacy
MovieViral’s Official 2010 San Diego Comic-Con Preview! July 16, 2010October 18, 2011Welcome to MovieViral’s Official 2010 San Diego Comic-Con Preview! We will be covering the mega event live from the convention floor and wherever else the festivities take us. This year’s convention takes place from Thursday July 22 to Sunday July 25, with Wednesday July 21 being the Con’s preview night…. Read More
New Page Added For The Crazies January 10, 2010May 3, 2011It’s been awhile since we’ve been able to add a page for a viral campaign, so it is my pleasure to announce that we have added a viral campaign page for The Crazies. You may have noticed from Scott’s recent articles that the viral campaign has really picked up lately,… Read More
Open Positions: Social Media Coordinator and Writers Needed December 21, 2013January 2, 2014As we move into a new year, MovieViral looks to expand its ranks with a brand new position and a few more writers. Get the details after the break. Read More