Nation’s Pride – Inglourious Basterds Viral Scott Caldwell, August 4, 2009 If you head over to Apple Trailers, you may see a foreign film posted in the trailers. Never heard of Nation’s Pride? It’s a WWII picture that is based off of Fredrick Zoller. Really? You never heard of it? Unless you’re up on your Tarantino, you may not have. This is a trailer that is actually from the film Inglourious Basterds. Fredrick Zoller being one of the characters from the film. If you recall, there was talk of a section of the film being directed by Eli Roth. Well, this is it. From what I have been told, the trailer will not be used as an actual trailer, but more of a flashback type scene. They way them made it a trailer was pure Tarantino genius. A rather action-packed, Eli Roth sort of scene. Watch it for yourself: Inglourious Basterds is set for realease in theaters on August 21st. Viral Marketing Inglourious Basterds
Viral Video: Avatar 2 Trailer (Parody) March 25, 2010One of the criticisms James Cameron’s Avatar has been bombarded with is that its script and overall story are unoriginal. However, the mock trailer for Avatar 2 by ABC 1 in Australia assures us that the sequel will be the most original story ever. Watch it after the break, courtesy… Read More
Marvel vs. DC 100th Episode Musical May 26, 2010Apple’s “I’m a Mac….and I’m a PC” commercials have created many spoofs and copies, but none have been taken as far as YouTube user ItsJustSomeRandomGuy‘s “Hi, I’m a Marvel….and I’m a DC” series. The channel, which features ads, spin-offs, reviews, parodies, and more, has finally reached 100 videos. There’s no… Read More
New Posters for Surrogates, 9, and 2012 July 2, 2009July 2, 2009I know what your thinking. Posters? Who cares? Well…I do. It’s rare to get posters for three films we are covering in one day, and these are actually pretty cool. First up, we have the first official poster for Surrogates. Click on the image for a larger version. Next we… Read More