The Muppets Teams With Toyota To Take Terry Crewes On A Joyride During Super Bowl Sunday Michael Lee, January 22, 2014January 22, 2014 The Muppest Most Wanted viral marketing campaign has gone from mocking the internet to being insulted for not being nominated for any awards. But we may never what studios may have in store for us on Super Bowl Sunday. It has been confirmed that four studios bought air time to promote their films. We know that Sony purchased a spot to promote The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and that Michael Bay confirmed that we would be seeing a tv spot for Transformers: Age Of Extinction. Which leaves a couple of others like Disney, Fox, WB Studios, and more.While it makes sense that the upcoming Muppets Most Wanted gets some Super Bowl love since the film comes out in March, it would make even more sense to see a spot for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, since we haven’t seen anything from that campaign since it was annonced that Cap himself would make an appearance at Disneyland. So why exactly are the Muppets are teaming up with Terry Crewes and Toyota for an ad that will air on Super Bowl Sunday. Hit the jump to find out.As a part of the “Let’s Go Places” campaign, Toyota has released a Super Bowl teaser – has it really come down to this?- in anticipation for the 60 second ad.In the ad, the Muppets will hitchhike their way back to their destination with Terry Crewes, driving a Toyota Highlander, helping them out. Along the way, the Muppets will teach Crewes about “unborifying” his lifestyle as they “borrow” his sweet ride. The ad will feature all the car features that are available in a Toyota Highlander plus an original song.“We’re always game for a wild ride,” said Kermit the Frog, who makes a special appearance in the campaign, “as long as Animal’s not driving. He doesn’t quite get the whole concept of brakes.”“It’s truly an honor to be a part of this wild ride with Toyota and the Muppets,” said Crews. “The Toyota Highlander is the perfect vehicle to teach my character how to loosen up and have some fun. Be prepared for some laughs on game day.”In addition to the commercial, the Muppets gang will provide real-time updates as they travel to the big game in their Toyota Highlander on February 2. Fans and customers are invited to chat live with the Muppets on game day by tweeting @Toyota or using #NoRoomForBoring. Viral Marketing Super Bowl XLVIIITerry CrewesThe MuppetsToyota
Would The Real John Carter Please Stand Up? December 3, 2011Looks like Disney has launched a viral campaign for their upcoming film, John Carter. Andrew Stanton, director of John Carter, is looking for all of the John Carter’s of Earth. If your name is John Carter (or if you know a John Carter), you fit the bill. Hit the jump… Read More
Archer “Debonair Repair” Rolls Into The Danger Zone January 10, 2014Briefly: It may not be as sleek as Archer’s Dodge Charger or as subtle as Krieger’s van with the illegal ass window tint that’s just rolling probable cause, but it’s probably one of the coolest marketing gags for FX’s animated-comedy spy show Archer. Between now and 6 PM EST, at… Read More
Video From “The Walking Dead” Invasion October 27, 2010October 30, 2010Tuesday morning zombies invaded the world, and we have the video tape to prove it! Fox International Channels coordinated a worldwide zombie attack to promote the upcoming series The Walking Dead. Click through to see what it looked like. Read More