District 9: Six New Clips Nick Butler, August 6, 2009August 6, 2009 With only two weeks until District 9 opens, Sony has released two new TV spots as well as some new clips including interviews and a b-roll (seen below). You can check them all out over at Trailer Addict. The new TV spots are mostly cuts from footage we’ve already seen, but definitely take a look at the interviews and b-roll. District 9 opens everywhere August 14th, 2009. Make sure you check your local theaters for midnight showings (at Fandango.com). Discuss District 9 and other viral campaigns at the official MovieViral Community. Viral Marketing District 9
ARGs & Campaigns ‘American Hustle’ Vinyl For The Movie Fan Hits Stores On Record Store Day! November 22, 2014November 22, 2014Film enthusiasts rejoice! Studios are listening to your wishes for certain objects in movies. In a campaign that celebrates the tangibility of music in a digital age, the folks over at Sony music have released a limited edition of the American Hustle soundtrack on glorious vinyl. Seems to be a… Read More
When Virals Fail To Live Up to Their Potential April 7, 2011April 7, 2011Movie virals have always been a huge part of the film industry since the dawn of its simplest form; the movie trailer. Its only now that virals have become more prevalent to studios since they introduced a more interactive version for fans and moviegoers. There are effective virals, the virals… Read More
J.K. Rowling Adds Another Harry Potter Story To Pottermore July 8, 2014July 8, 2014Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows marked the end of a legendary run of Young Adult novels. The series of novels closed with the titular character and friends having aged, matured, and watching a new generation learning different forms of magic and wizardary. Now with his own family to take… Read More
Awesome, it looks more military (mnu) involved then i thought, i didn’t think there was going to be b-roll’s in the military scenes. Very cool.