District 9: Six New Clips Nick Butler, August 6, 2009August 6, 2009 With only two weeks until District 9 opens, Sony has released two new TV spots as well as some new clips including interviews and a b-roll (seen below). You can check them all out over at Trailer Addict. The new TV spots are mostly cuts from footage we’ve already seen, but definitely take a look at the interviews and b-roll. District 9 opens everywhere August 14th, 2009. Make sure you check your local theaters for midnight showings (at Fandango.com). Discuss District 9 and other viral campaigns at the official MovieViral Community. Viral Marketing District 9
Viral Video: Dancing Groot Scene From “Guardians Of The Galaxy” August 14, 2014August 14, 2014We are already nearing two weeks since the release of Guardians of the Galaxy, and true Marvel fans – all of whom should have told everyone not to leave the theater until the end of the credits by now – might have seen those hilarious extra credit scenes by now…. Read More
Watch the Live “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” WETA Chat Right Here! (Updated with Footage) April 13, 2011April 13, 2011Livestream will be hosting an interview with the WETA visual effects team for the upcoming film Rise of the Planet of the Apes called “Weta Live: ‘Apes’ Revealed”, and it goes down at 2:30PM PT/5:30PM ET today. You can watch it right here by clicking through. Read More
Did You Know Bangkok Dangerous Had a Viral Campaign? February 13, 2010February 13, 2010The 2008 film Bangkok Dangerous flew under most people’s radar when it was released (with a budget of $45 million, it only made $15 million at the box office). Most bloggers and film critics wrote off the Nicolas Cage action flick completely (it got a measly 9% on Rotten Tomatoes)…. Read More
Awesome, it looks more military (mnu) involved then i thought, i didn’t think there was going to be b-roll’s in the military scenes. Very cool.