2 New District 9 Clips – “Aliens Arrive” and “Sprayed” Dan Koelsch, August 13, 2009August 13, 2009 Sony Pictures has released two more clips from District 9. The first, titled “Aliens Arrive”, has an interview Grey Bradnam about the situation when the aliens first arrived set against the scene of humans first entering the ship and possibly encountering the non-humans. The second clip is just an extended version of the scene we’ve seen before in trailers and TV spots where Wikus gets sprayed by the alien device. Check them both out below: District 9 opens tomorrow, August 14th. Select theaters have midnight showings tonight. Viral Marketing District 9
“Catch The Throne” With The “Game Of Thrones” Hip-Hop Mixtape March 7, 2014“To hear the game is to know the game!” In anticipation for the next season of Game of Thrones HBO has commissioned Launch Point records and a few of their artists to create a Mixtape inspired by the hit show. HBO has enlisted artists such as Big Boi, Common, and… Read More
Wanted: Cad Bane September 24, 2009September 23, 2009With season two of the Clone Wars premiering a week from Friday, Lucasfilm is busy hosting press events and sneak previews to help build even more hype for the hit animated series. Over at the official Star Wars site, some great pictures have emerged from yesterday’s junket at Lucasfilm’s Big… Read More
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest September 14, 2014September 14, 2014Over the weekend there was a rumor flying around that someone actually stole the Batmobile off the set of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. How cold something the big and bulky get stolen off a secure set, but stay hidden away in a major city like Detroit? While I… Read More