New Surrogates Clips/Interview Scott Caldwell, September 14, 2009 We have a couple of videos to show you in regards to Surrogates, but first, check out this interview with director Jonathan Mostow in regards to Surrogates and Terminator (from AMC)It’s a pretty good interview, and you should read it all, but here are a couple of great Q and A’s for you:Q: What about Surrogates attracted you to it?A: I think the whole idea of what is happening in our lives right now with technology leads to really interesting questions. We seem to be heading to a world right now where you really never have to leave your house. On a philosophical level this movie asks the question, what price are we paying both on a societal level — because we are eliminating personal contact — and also on an individual psychological basis for this technology? Now, these are all ideas probably best explored in a long piece in The New Yorker. But I tried to get them in the best I could in a Hollywood movie starring Bruce Willis. Q: Has your work on Terminator and now Surrogates made you a technophobe?A: No. Whenever there’s a new gadget I’m typically the guy that will go out and buy it. Terminator is a movie that said, “Be afraid of technology because it can take over our lives.” This is a movie that says, “Technology is great, it makes our lives better, but at what price?” I think a thousand years from now, historians will look back on this time as a time just as seminal as when mankind first discovered fire or invented the printing press. And, as mentioned, here are a cople of clips from the film. I don’t know about you, but it looks like the surrogates have no personality. Seems like we’ll be able to tell a surrogate from a human without any difficulty. Thanks to io9 for the clips.Tell us what you think. This film is gaining the attention it deserves and we at MovieViral are very much looking forward to it’s September 25th release. Stay tuned here for a review. Viral Marketing Surrogates
Play the “Lockout” Interactive Mission on YouTube July 18, 2012July 18, 2012The sci-fi action flick Lockout didn’t exactly make a splash at the box office when it released in April. Fortunately, now audiences have a second chance to catch Guy Pearce being a badass, because the film came out on Blu-ray and DVD this week, and to promote the occasion, Sony… Read More
“Muppets Most Wanted” Viral Review March 25, 2014Muppets Most Wanted wasn’t the film that Disney was hoping it would be. Getting second place at the box office last weekend isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but earning only $17 million at the box office when compared to Divergent’s strong $54.7 million is glaringly obvious. Which is contrast to… Read More
RAAAAAAAANDY Spin-Off In The Works August 2, 2009April 3, 2010Funny People was released last Friday, along with the final touch to the viral campaign, but earlier in the week, Judd Apatow announced that Aziz Ansari’s character would revieve a spin-off. Of course, the film’s likelyhood all depends on the success and reception of Funny People. Here is the exact… Read More