Surrogates: Interviews and iPhone App Dan Koelsch, September 19, 2009September 19, 2009 A few tidbits on Surrogates this weekend. First, Trailer Addict has several short interviews with the cast and crew, including the stars of the film Bruce Willis and Radha Mitchell. Willis, in as monotone a voice as possible, talks briefly about what interested him in doing the film and goes over the plot a bit. Mitchell talks about the graphic novel the film is based on and her character. Both talk about the concept of surrogacy and the message of the film. Check out the interviews, embedded below: In other Surrogates news, iVerse Media has an iPhone App for the Surrogates graphic novel series. You can download the first issue for free or get the the version that has the first two issues for only 99 cents (with the option to buy the remaining three issues). iVerse Media is company that brings comics to the iPhone, and currently has a pretty good amount of titles. One of the cool features of the their apps is that you can view the comic page by page when the iPhone is vertical, and then you can zoom in to each panel if you turn the iPhone horizontal. Click HERE to download the free version of the app. Surrogates opens September 25th. For more information on the film and it’s viral campaign, check out our Surrogates Page. News Viral Marketing Surrogates
“The Amazing Spider-Man” Viral Event Leads To Fan Screening Details June 22, 2012June 22, 2012As we expected, The Amazing Spider-Man had a viral event yesterday that lead to news of fan screenings in just over a week. I’m not going to spoil it above the fold, so get the full details after the jump. Read More
New Viral Posters for “Total Recall” Include Anti-Rekall Group June 20, 2012July 8, 2012Earlier this month, posters for the fictional company Rekall began popping up in Hollywood and likely other cities. The posters link to the memory vacation company at the heart of Total Recall. SuperHeroHype found more posters online, including one with star Colin Farrell for No Rekall, the group that is… Read More
“Back To The Future” Fan Event To Erect Hill Valley In London June 3, 2014June 3, 2014The Back To The Future Hill Valley on the Universal Studios Backlot is as about as close as you can get to setting foot into the fictional town. Oh yeah, you can’t actually step foot into it considering you are in a tram. But a new fan experience is coming… Read More