Viral Review: 9 Ian DeVere, September 30, 2009 Shane Acker’s 9 has been in theaters for a couple weeks now (read my review here). The viral has since died down, so it looks like it’s about time to review it. Sites used:Scientist’s FacebookScientist’s laboratory 9’s viral campaign initially kicked off back in mid-June with the scientist’s Facebook page, as well as an interactive viral site that showed you around his laboratory.Periodically, new clues and hints would pop up in his lab that would reveal new secrets within. One of these were the letters in ‘hope’ sprawled across the lab, which, when clicked on, would give you a symbol that you would then enter into his typewriter, giving you an exclusive interview/clip from the movie. These little things, while nice, were all the viral really did. There was nothing more to it than just some little cast interviews and extended clips that were already in the trailers. A few days before the movie released, however, a site was found off of 9experiment that let you save a ‘talisman’ for the future, should any life forms find it. In said talisman, you left pictures of yourself along with a block of text with your memories and/or hopes for the future, along with whatever else you had in mind. A cool feature, but still lacking anything majorly ‘viral’. Did the sites play into the movie at all?If you followed any of these sites prior to seeing the movie, you will have a better, while still minimal, understanding of the backstory and universe in this movie. The sites are never mentioned (as expected), but in the scenes where you’re in the scientist’s lab, there are definitely things strewn about that one might recognize from his lab site. Other than that, nothing is really connected from viral to film. Final Grade: C- How can something be present and absent at the same time? What did you think of the viral campaign for 9? The film is currently in theaters. Viral Marketing 9
Zack Snyder’s “Batman Vs Superman” Batmobile And Batsuit Reveal Tweet Instantly Goes Viral May 13, 2014May 13, 2014Yesterday, Zack Snyder tweeted a teaser image of the Batmobile, a month before the film officially starts production. A brilliant marketing move to say the least, one that would help get the official image out before leaked set photos would appear on the web. Snyder did state that he would… Read More
“Star Wars Rebels” Using Imperial Propaganda Posters To Find New Recruits February 5, 2014Star Wars Episode VII may be a long ways away, and with secrecy being J.J. Abrams‘ MO, we may not know about the film for a long time. Still we have something like Star Wars Rebels to hold us over until we see even an inkling of Star Wars Episode… Read More
NBC Viral: Sites for Parks and Recreation and The Office May 7, 2010May 7, 2010NBC has been go-to channel for viral for a while now, and it has been mostly focused on its Thursday night comedy line up. Our latest update is no different, as Parks and Recreation sees a new viral link, and The Office has a brand new viral webpage. Check it… Read More