2012: The IHC Has Their Nominees for Leader of the Post-2012 World Dan Koelsch, October 2, 2009October 6, 2009 Yesterday the Institute for Human Continuity chose their twelve nominees in their quest to find the new leader of the post-2012 world. For those who don’t remember, each of the nominees gets a free PlayStation 3 and Sony HD Camcorder (It’s nice to have Sony Pictures as your production studio). The winner of the contest gets a a trip to Cancun! Unfortunately, our editor Scott did not make the cut, but you can find out who all the nominees are here. Each candidate has a profile page that includes a campaign video, a bit of personal info, and what works of art they would save for the post-2012 world. On their profile you can vote for them by submitting your information. Voting ends November 3rd, so get to it! What do you think of the candidates? Viral Marketing 2012
This Week In Viral – Star Trek Dance Party Edition April 12, 2009March 23, 2010Good news and bad news. Good news: Star Trek viral is back in action. Bad news: It’s in the form of dance parties. A few weeks ago, Trek Movie reported on an event at the Hollywood club LAX. However, it wasn’t just any party. One of the photos show a… Read More
Prometheus: Weyland Industries Launches Project Genesis June 8, 2012Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus opens in theaters today, so now the viral campaign must come to a close. Weyland Industries has begun Project Genesis to mark a final viral event. Read More
Prove You Are The Ultimate Fast Fan To Win A Walk On Role For “Fast & Furious 7” November 12, 2013Even though the sixth chapter in the Fast & Furious saga concluded only 6 months ago, the seventh chapter is kicking into high gear and now you have a chance to be a part of the crew. It takes more than just being a fan of the franchise though, you… Read More
Done! Thanks a bunch for the unconditional support!…https://movieviral.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3701
Sorry Michael, we already supported Tim S officially. However, you can sign up to the forum and campaign to convince our members to vote for you. Thanks for visiting the site!