Jon Favreau Tweets Cowboys & Aliens Super Bowl Spot Nick Butler, February 6, 2011February 10, 2011 This year a lot of brands have been releasing their Super Bowl ads online before the big game. It’s worked for some companies, like Volkswagen, but most have gone by unnoticed. Just a few minutes ago, Jon Favreau tweeted a link to the Super Bowl spot for Cowboys and Aliens. Watch the ad after the break. The video is unlisted, which means only those with the link can actually watch it. Let us know what you think of it in the comments below. News Social Networks Viral Marketing Cowboys & AliensJon FavreauSuper BowlTrailer
Website Lets You Use Word of Mouth To Fund Your Project March 5, 2010March 5, 2010Right off the bat, this is a great website. Have you ever wanted to do something, but didn’t have the money? Have you ever thought if only people knew what you were doing, maybe they could help you fund it? Well, now there is well-organized hub for projects just like… Read More
Editorial: Why Sony has done everything right June 17, 2009January 16, 2010If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you check out Matt’s article entitled “Why can’t Sony do anything right?“. Now, as I do respect Matt’s opinion, I would just like to take a few minutes and explain why he’s wrong. Now even though I think Matt is wrong about his… Read More
LOST: Book Oceanic Flights and Are There Too Many Questions To Answer? January 28, 2010January 28, 2010ABC’S LOST will be airing its 6th and final season this Tuesday and in the light of that, the show is on a massive advertisement campaign. Being no stranger to viral campaigns , LOST even won an Emmy for Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media. The show has had websites like and… Read More