G.I. Joe Facebook Game Dan Koelsch, October 24, 2009June 29, 2010 Playing games on Facebook has become extremely popular as of late, whether you are a college student or my mom (true story). Not one to pass up on an opportunity like that, Paramount Home Entertainment has created a G.I. Joe Facebook Game to promote their November 3rd release of G.I. Joe on Blu-rayand DVD. The app is called G.I. Joe Faceoff , and it allows you to choose and customize a major character either from the Joes or the Cobras. Then you fight an opponent and get points for winning. The points can be used to purchase upgrades, additional weapons, items and vehicles. As you accumulate wins, you are moved up in ranking (4 ranking levels total). At each new level, additional clothing options are unlocked that you can use to outfit your character. You can recruit friends (earning points for doing so each time) and share your progress as you move up the ranks to become the ultimate G.I. Joe or Cobra operative. Also, there are 2 clips from the DVD bonus features that can be accessed by playing the game. Sounds fun, right? Well the problem I have with this game (along with many other Facebook and even iPhone game apps) is that you don’t actually do anything once the fighting starts. You just sit there and watch as their health meters go down. The characters on the screen don’t even move! Now, I know many who like to play game apps online and on their phone are into the planning part of things. Customizing your character’s outfit and stats may be what tickle your fantasy, but personally I like to watch, and even better, participate, in some real action. That’s why I don’t play Farmville on Facebook (no offense to my many friends and relatives who do play it). At the very least, try the game out so you check out the bonus clips. I don’t want to ruin the fun by posting them here. Let us know what you think of the game in comments below! G.I. Joe releases on DVD, Two-Disc DVD, and Blu-ray on November 3rd and is available for pre-order Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookGameGI Joe
“H+ The Digital Series” Debuts Episodes 3-6 and Behind the Scenes Video August 16, 2012Bryan Singer’s new web series H+ has debuted four new episodes today, as well as a behind the scenes video. The sci-fi action web series is about a future where an implant hooks your brain up to the Internet 24/7, but things go terribly wrong when a wireless virus sweeps… Read More
Syfy’s “Haven” Will Follow Twitter-integrated Plot August 12, 2011August 12, 2011In the past, we have reported on television shows that have integrated events on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. More recently, USA’s Covert Affairs did something like this where Twitter users were able to interact with CIA operatives on a mission in Budapest during an episode. Now, Syfy’s… Read More
Battle: Los Angeles – Classic Sony Viral At Comic-Con July 21, 2010January 19, 2011Once you create a website, that is obviously far from the title of the film, you enter this wonderful world of viral marketing. And then, there is Sony. They seem to go their own route. The route of luring you into this amazing feeling of finding something above and beyond… Read More