V Peace Ambassador Program Dan Koelsch, October 29, 2009October 29, 2009 Because Hollywood can’t keep remakes to just movies, next week the series “V” debuts on ABC. The new series, based off the 1983 miniseries and subsequent TV show, is about aliens (called “Visitors”)who arrive to help mankind, but in reality have alterior motives. To promote the series, ABC.com has created a “Peace Ambassador Program”. What you get by signing up is breaking news about the Visitors. There are two videos from the Visitors themselves talking about the program, so check it out below: Normally I wouldn’t even bother to mention something like this, since it seems to be a very simple online marketing plan. However, there is some speculation in our forum and on Unfiction that this might turn into a viral campaign or ARG. ABC has done it before with LOST, so it is possible, especially since both the series and the Peace Ambassador Program look to have a LOST-ish feel to it. You can check out the first 9 minutes of “V” right here: “V” debuts next Tuesday, November 3rd at 8/7c on ABC. Viral Marketing V
Halo Reach Uses New Interface, 4 More Live-Action Commercials To Come August 21, 2010August 22, 2010Bungie is not new viral marketing for the Halo series. Both Halo 3 and ODST had interactive games, but this new viral campaign takes us to a whole new level. Find out how you, your facebook, and a robot arm will make a “Light Sculpture” after the jump. Read More
How Much Is Yoda’s Hut Worth? April 29, 2013I’m sure only the nerdiest of nerds may have pondered this questions, but have you ever wondered what the listing price for Yoda’s hut (as seen in Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back) would be? Fortunately, the folks at Movoto are that nerdy and gave us a… Read More
Spider-Man’s Deadliest Villains, Carnage and Venom, Mentioned On “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site April 10, 2014One of the concerns fans had about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was that it was chock full of villains. Aleksei Sytsevich aka The Rhino (Paul Giamatti), Max Dillion aka Electro (Jamie Foxx), and Green Goblin (Dane DeHaan) will all be fighting Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) in the highly anticipated sequel. But… Read More