The Box: You Are The Experiment Nick Butler, October 29, 2009October 29, 2009 An interesting website popped up for the upcoming film The Box, which you’ve probably seen ads for on TV. The basic premise: A box is brought to a couple’s house and inside is button, and if they push the button a random person in the world they don’t know will…
V Peace Ambassador Program Dan Koelsch, October 29, 2009October 29, 2009 Because Hollywood can’t keep remakes to just movies, next week the series “V” debuts on ABC. The new series, based off the 1983 miniseries and subsequent TV show, is about aliens (called “Visitors”)who arrive to help mankind, but in reality have alterior motives. To promote the series, has created…
2012: Dallas Drop Results Dan Koelsch, October 29, 2009October 29, 2009 Update: We have the decoded message thanks to Rowan from Unfiction. Again, nothing revealing: Re: Project Naaczaal Status Briefing, October 27 Negotiations on the site for full-scale construction have completed. More information regarding the site selected will be available on an as-needed basis for teams involved in shipping and construction…
2012: Miami Drop Results (Finally!) and New Frost Video Dan Koelsch, October 28, 2009October 30, 2009 Update: Here is the message fully decoded (with errors taken out): RE: Project Naaczaal Status Briefing, October 25 We are sending out a new geological report that underlines the urgency of the project and confirms the necessity of our ambitious timeline for construction. This new data indicates there is no…
Three New 2012 TV Teasers Iain Welford, October 27, 2009October 28, 2009 2012, hmmm. More than any other film this year that I can think of 2012 seems to be polarising opinion. I’m torn myself, because on the one hand, it stars an all time favourite actor of mine, but on the other hand, well, there’s a car driving off of plane!…