New Avatar TV Spot Dan Koelsch, November 5, 2009 Last night a new Avatar TV spot debuted during the World Series on FOX. Check it out below: This spot definitely pushes the action of the film, pretty much ignoring any story elements. After the recent theatrical trailer really dived into the plot and characters, I’m thinking 20th Century FOX is trying to promote this film to Sci-Fi fanboys. The spot looks entertaining, but hollow. What do you think? James Cameron’s Avatar opens nationwide December 18th in Digital 3D and IMAX 3D. For more information on the film and its viral campaign, check out our Avatar page. News Avatar
Latest Avatar Trailer is a Game Changer October 30, 2009October 29, 2009After playing in theaters for almost a week, the second Avatar trailer has hit the web via Yahoo! Movies. It is epic. It is fantastic. It is one of the best trailers I have ever seen. If you thought Avatar Day was a dud, you will feel reinvigorated. If you were excited after seeing the… Read More
Patton Oswalt Filibusters Plot For “Star Wars: Episode VII” & “The Avengers” Tie-In Movie On “Parks & Rec” April 17, 2013April 18, 2013After turning in one of the most emotionally charged reactions to the Boston Marathon Bombings on Facebook and appearing as The Penguin in College Humor’s parody of Christopher Nolan’s Batman, Patton Oswalt name is back again. This time its for political reasons, but not for gun control or anything serious,… Read More
The Crazies: Planes, Games, and Automobiles February 3, 2010February 3, 2010Since the film comes out in less than three weeks, it’s only fitting that there are more items released in regards to The Crazies. We have a look at some exclusive clips, exclusive pics, and a fun game on the official site that allows you to dig out your best… Read More