2012: Missing Persons and Puzzles Scott Caldwell, November 9, 2009November 9, 2009 A new video on Soren’s blog shows us a worried Ulfert who has lost touch with the Corruption Theorist.In a post from CT titled Going Fishing, we get the following brief and subtle message that they are moving in for the kill.The time has come for decisive action. My cover has been conclusively blown, my identity established by those I would have hidden it from, and I don’t want to spend the next few years running. We’ve uncovered plenty of data, and now it’s time to apply it.I’m going on a bit of a fishing expedition. I’ll let you know how it pans out as soon as I can.Based on the video on Soren’s blog, CT was heading to report some news to NewsDoneRight. Nothing is up over there, so it looks like CT never made it. Take a look. Under the video is link, that when you go there, you are shown a username and password screen, but just our luck! It’s filled in already. Notice Soren gives the name of CT? Meyers? Sound familiar? It should. Once you enter, you are given a puzzle. As you make each piece fit, the picture becomes a little clearer. Until… Caption reads the following:This is concrete evidence that Secretary of State Carl Anheuser and Institute for Human Continuity Communications Director Barbara Lewis-Penn are at the root of the conspiracy surround the IHC, Aerospace Robotics Corporation and 2012. There are no lottery tickets. It’s all a sham to divert the public’s attention. If something happens to me, I sent packages to people I trust. I hope to see you soon. Questions I have: 1 – Why is the puzzle attached to Charlie Frost’s blog, ThisIsTheEnd?2 – Even if that is Lewis-Penn in the photo, what’s the problem? The IHC works closely with the Government. This tells us nothing. Or does it? Tell us what you think in either our 2012 forum section, or comment here.As always, please check out our 2012 page and stay tuned for the review of 2012, in theaters this Friday. Viral Marketing 2012
“Carrie” Has Gone Missing! Are You Brave Enough To Enter Her House And Find Her? August 21, 2013Carrie has been bad apparently and her mother has locked her away inside the house somewhere. Are you brave enough to enter the home of Margaret White and find out what happened to Carrie? If so, hit the jump and start your search. Read More
Marvel vs. DC 100th Episode Musical May 26, 2010Apple’s “I’m a Mac….and I’m a PC” commercials have created many spoofs and copies, but none have been taken as far as YouTube user ItsJustSomeRandomGuy‘s “Hi, I’m a Marvel….and I’m a DC” series. The channel, which features ads, spin-offs, reviews, parodies, and more, has finally reached 100 videos. There’s no… Read More
“Muppets Most Wanted” TV Spot Sees The Internet Outraged Over New Muppets Film’s Zero Nominations January 12, 2014January 13, 2014The Golden Globes are just one of the many Hollywood award ceremonies that precedes the big show, the Academy Awards. We’ve seen many TV spots for Golden Globe nominated films in the past few weeks. But one film wasn’t feeling the love, and that film isn’t even out in theaters… Read More