Proof Foreign Countries Have Better Advertising Than Us: 2012 Subway Ad Dan Koelsch, November 9, 2009November 9, 2009 In what is easily one of the coolest print ads I’ve ever seen, Copyranter posted the following picture of a subway ad for the upcoming 2012. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty creative. The subway in question is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (via Slashfilm) Viral Marketing 2012
Create Your Own Pub Sign for “The World’s End” June 26, 2013In Edgar Wright’s The World’s End, five childhood friends reunite in their hometown after twenty years to repeat a legendary pub crawl from their youth that they failed. However, as the night goes on, they realize that robots are taking over the town. Every good pub needs an equally good… Read More
Iron Man 2: Contents of Stark Industries Safe Revealed May 4, 2010A few days ago, we reported that a few bloggers, including, had received a Stark Industries safe as part of the Reeses viral campaign for Iron Man 2. However, the safe was locked and the combination unknown the receivers. Thanks to Twitter, CBM got the code and revealed the… Read More
SNL Hits Hard With Charlie Sheen and Miley Cyrus March 7, 2011March 7, 2011This weekend Miley Cyrus hosted Saturday Night Live on NBC, and we got treated to jokes about Charlie Sheen, Beastly, the Disney Channel, and CBS, along with Miley constantly reminding us her scandals aren’t that bad. The full episode is available online, but if you want to see the highlights,… Read More