Proof Foreign Countries Have Better Advertising Than Us: 2012 Subway Ad Dan Koelsch, November 9, 2009November 9, 2009 In what is easily one of the coolest print ads I’ve ever seen, Copyranter posted the following picture of a subway ad for the upcoming 2012. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty creative. The subway in question is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (via Slashfilm) Viral Marketing 2012
Survive Earth’s Final Days And Apply Now To Choose An Ark In This “After Earth” Facebook App May 9, 2013April 15, 2015M. Night Shyamalan’s latest feature film After Earth is just around the corner, and in order to prepare us for our journey into the stars racing from our dying world, we have been provided a recruitment program to enlist with. Find out if you have what it takes to join… Read More
Film Marketing Trends in 2011 January 13, 2011January 14, 2011We have learned over the past few years that there is no exact science to film marketing, particularly within the online realm. Hollywood studios have developed any number of different campaigns using social networks and alternate reality games that have lead to astounding success and abject failure. Writer and marketing… Read More
Viral Video: Thankful Oscars March 6, 2010March 6, 2010With the Academy Awards just one day away, the Oscars have a hold on the industry right now. Fortunately, all that coverage can give us some funny viral videos, like this one from Whirled Interactive, which creates a remix of several long Oscar acceptance speeches. With the producers of the… Read More