2012: Could the Viral Be Over Already? Dan Koelsch, November 11, 2009November 11, 2009 OK, so maybe “already” is a harsh word, but it seems like at least the conspiracy part of the viral is wrapping up today. As we reported earlier, Professor Meyers (the Theorist from Corruption Theory) is dead, and now Soren Ulfert is done. According to his latest (and last?) blog post, Soren states that it’s too dangerous for him to even update the site and that there’s nothing more for him to do. We’ll of course keep our eyes open in case there’s any update to these sites, however unlikely it is. As far as the rest of the viral goes, we could still see some updates from Charlie Frost or from one of the other sites that don’t update much (i.e. IHC, ARC, News Done Right), but that is probably about it. It seems kind of odd to end a complex viral campaign like this so early. I know it’s only two days before the movie is out in the US and it actually opened in some countries today, but most movie ARGs, including Cloverfield, Terminator Salvation, and District 9, go right up to the date of the film’s domestic release. Like I said before, there could be more to come in the next few days, but it seems unlikely it will be anything of major interest. It’s kind of anti-climatic if you ask me. What do you think? 2012 opens nationwide November 13th. You can discuss these updates to the viral in the comments below, or on our forum. Also check out the MovieViral 2012 page for more info on the film and its viral campaign. Viral Marketing 2012
Breaking News: D-9 memo and new video found! June 17, 2009June 17, 2009There is a new pdf memo available at D-9.com including two versions of this document. A non human version and a human version. Which ever side you choose, you get a blue icon that pops up with a warning sign. It says “Urgent Message. Click Here To View” You get… Read More
The Office: New Vlog on the Wedding Site October 4, 2009October 4, 2009Jim and Pam’s website now has a new video blog by Pam herself. In the video, Pam compares her dream wedding to her budget. Doesn’t look good for the cash-strapped couple, but they are apparently finding creative ways to save. Check out the video to see for yourself: With the… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Star Wars, The Amazing Spider-Man, Aaron Sorkin, And More! July 1, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
My package from dr. Meyers said my last duty as an ambassador was to enjoy it’s contents. Seems to be over 🙁
Also trying to figure out if there is anything on my map… I don’t want it to be over yet! (though, dang, a Sony Reader is a pretty sweet “thank you for playing” gift.) Also wondering if there is anything loaded on the reader….Will report if there is. 😀
A Sony Reader? All I got was the map and a letter. Was the reader IHC or 2012 branded? Sounds like there was some cool stuff sent out!
Reports this evening that Soren was killed this morning in a car accident. Looks like there’s still some things going on, but it’s likely this is the last bit for the story until the film.