Read the Diary of Sherlock Holmes’ Landlady Dan Koelsch, December 10, 2009 Because even we miss things here on MovieViral, we have a Sherlock Holmes update that is not exactly new. If you’ve been playing the 221B game, you may find this one useful. You can now follow Mrs. Martha Hudson’s Diary on Twitter. If you’re not familiar with the film or the Holmes universe, then this may not mean much to you at first glance. For those in the know, you’ll recognize Mrs. Hudson as Holmes’ landlady. She is played in the new film by actress Geraldine James (picture below). So, why follow Mrs. Hudson? Well, you obviously get more insight into the world of Sherlock Holmes. It also tells a good narrative that could intersect with the game. The account has been updating since early last month, so you have a good read ahead of you. Sherlock Holmes opens Christmas Day. You can follow the movie and its viral by checking out our Sherlock Holmes page. Check out Unfiction for updates on the 221B game. Viral Marketing Sherlock Holmes
Customize Your Desktop And Social Media Pages With The “Pacific Rim” Wallpaper Generator June 7, 2013It seems only fitting that a mammoth-sized film like Pacific Rim, which is filled with titan-sized robots fighting titan-sized monsters, would allow you to make titan-sized wallpapers. With a host of customization options that allow you to tailor make and adjust the image of your choosing to your iphone, Facebook… Read More
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Villain Takes a Page from General Zod in Viral Video April 20, 2013April 20, 2013It’s easy to forget that Summer blockbuster movies open internationally, especially when the marketing that is not often tailored to them. Paramount’s Star Trek Into Darkness, however, has a viral video on a few international versions of Yahoo! and official Facebook pages where the antagonist John Harrison (played by Benedict… Read More
Latest Video From “They’re Here” Takes A Different Perspective September 15, 2010September 27, 2010We’ve been following the progression of the online marketing for They’re Here, a film we know very little about other than it may be about an alien invasion. We’ve seen a few videos so far that show UFOs in poor quality footage, but now we have one (apparently over Glasgow)… Read More