10 Awesome Uses of Augmented Reality Marketing Dan Koelsch, December 27, 2009December 27, 2009 Mashable has collected a nice little list of 10 innovative ways augmented reality has been used for marketing. While many of the items on the list are for regular products like cars and feminine hygiene (no joke), but of course there are some examples of films using it, as we have shown before. The two listed are the simulated Transformer helmet for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and the simulated Enterprise from this year’s Star Trek. Check out their example videos below: While the list neglects other movie campaigns with augmented reality (District 9 and the G.I. Joe DVD cover come to mind first), the fact that two of the top 10 “awesome” uses are for movies is a good sign. Hopefully we’ll see the trend continue next year. My favorites on the list are the ones that actually let you play a real game, like the TOPPS one below: Viral Marketing Star TrekTransformers 2
2012: Taking Viral Outside October 6, 2009October 17, 2009UPDATE: New information on the NYC drop, dated 10/7: According to , Pixie and rebel2k4 from unfiction, we have received the newest scrambled code: RE: PROJECT NAACZAAL STATUS BRIEFING OCTOBER SEVEN ATTACHED IS THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE NAACZAAL CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE. THIS REVISION ACCOUNTS FOR DELAYS IN PROGRESS ALREADY ENCOUNTERED…. Read More
Puma Prowls “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site January 3, 2014The Amazing Spider-Man 2‘s viral site, The Daily Bugle, has been making a few references to some of the major villains in Spider-Man’s rogue gallery. Shocker, the Enforcers, Hobgoblin, Venom, even She-Venom have all been mentioned or alluded to in the past few months via these faux articles. Some of… Read More
French Student Film Mimics Cloverfield May 19, 2010May 22, 2010Go to YouTube. Search for “Cloverfield”. Watch all the crappy amateur videos that try desperately to imitate the 2008 hit film. With its handheld camera style and unique intensity, J.J. Abrams’ Cloverfield brought a great new spin to the monster movie. Given its style, many have tried to replicate its… Read More