Viral Video – District 9: The Fookin’ Short Version Dan Koelsch, January 4, 2010October 26, 2010 Well, it was inevitable. First we had the District 9 soundboard, then came the random insertions of “fook” into everyday conversations. Now that the DVD is out, we are finally able to cut all that other junk out of the movie and see only what we want to see. Here’s a specially edited version of District 9 for your viewing pleasure, thanks to a member on Collegehumor. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Viral News Viral Videos District 9Viral video
Fan Made Work Red Letter Media Is Back With 110 Minute Review of “Revenge of the Sith” January 1, 2011The guys at Red Letter Media have made a name for themselves doing long multi-video scathing reviews of (usually) terrible films. Their style is unique in that a demented character named Plinkett narrates the review and occasionally interrupts to say or do something disturbing. Despite the crude humor, the critiques… Read More
“Glee” Covers Rebecca Black’s “Friday” May 6, 2011May 6, 2011In March, a girl by the name of Rebecca Black quickly rose to fame as one of the most disliked people on the planet. It was all because of a song about everybody’s favorite day of the week, Friday. The official video has over 100 million views on YouTube and… Read More
Reddit News: Monsters University, Game of Thrones, The Oscars, and More! February 21, 2013February 21, 2013Like many people, I lurk around Reddit during my downtime, and I find some pretty interesting stuff. Sometimes that stuff relates to movies and television, so I feel obligated to share it with our readers. After the break, check out what’s been making the rounds on Reddit recently.Pages: 1 2 Read More