News No More Viral: NBC and Conan Agree on Departure Dan Koelsch, January 21, 2010September 23, 2024 News outlets are reporting that NBC and Conan O’Brien have finally struck a deal for Conan’s departure. Conan would not agree to move to 12:00am after NBC decided to cancel Jay Leno’s 10pm show and move Jay up to 11:30pm. While most of the details of the deal are not…
The Crazies: A Downward Viral Scott Caldwell, January 21, 2010January 21, 2010 Update: The link to the Ogden Marsh Sheriff’s Department has been fixed. If you have been following the viral campaign for The Crazies, you may notice a few odd things. A few things that do just not seem to fit. A few things flat out wrong. This campaign seems to…
How To Create A District 9 Alien Hand Dan Koelsch, January 20, 2010January 20, 2010 Indy Mogul is a great site for news, reviews, and anything about DIY filmmaking. On the site and its YouTube channel, they show you how to make cheap special effects that look great (called Backyard FX). In one of their latest videos, they show you how to make an alien…
Avatar News: Banned in China, 23 Minute Featurette, and Man Dies From Excitement Dan Koelsch, January 20, 2010January 20, 2010 James Cameron’s Avatar tends to attract some pretty strange news. There has already been the report of a woman getting shot during an Avatar screening, and now we have another death related to Avatar. More on this story, plus China banning the film, and a 23 minute behind-the-scenes featurette.
Viral Video: Lucas Re-Edits Star Wars Opening Text Dan Koelsch, January 19, 2010January 21, 2010 As a purist Star Wars fan who also loves modern technology, I’ve often been conflicted with the re-edits George Lucas has done to the original Star Wars trilogy (once in 1997 and again in 2004). Sure, there are some scenes that look bad-ass and definitely improve on the original 70s…