Amazing Movie Rap Videos! Corey, February 4, 2010 I’m a huge fan of fan-created content when it comes to movies and TV shows, most notably LOST and the amazing fan videos and art that have been created in the history of the show’s run. YouTube user Robomayhem is another great example of fan created content, with their unique way of summarizing an entire movie in the form of rapping, mixing both lines from the movie and their own to give us a great and downright funny video. They have four videos, Aliens, Robocop, Terminator 2, and, Predator, but sadly, only three out of the four are up seeing how FOX took down the Predator video. Check them all out after the jump! Viral Marketing AliensMusic VideoPredatorRapRobocopTerminator 2Viral video
“Project Almanac” Flyers Signal Secret Screening At Comic-Con July 24, 2014July 24, 2014If you just so happen to be over at the San Diego Comic-Con, you have seen a couple of flyers for the found footage time traveling thriller Project Almanac. Though the film has gone through various title changes, the premise of the film has stayed the same. Project Almanac follows… Read More
ParkerPOV Viral Reveals Parker’s Schedule and the Hunt for The Lizard May 7, 2012May 10, 2012The Amazing Spider-Man is turning out to be the viral that we here at MovieViral have been waiting for. Like The Dark Knight viral that ran a few years back, fans of the franchise and viral enthusiasts are looking forward to the next great update for the highly anticipated movie…. Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Flynn Lives: End of Line For The “TRON: Legacy” Viral Campaign December 8, 2010October 18, 2011So you might be aware of this thing called TRON: Legacy that has been steamrolling its way through entertainment culture with resounding hype heard ‘round the world. You may not know just how deep the hype rabbit-hole goes, though. Today is the proof in the electroluminescent pudding: hundreds of people… Read More