Newest LOST LOL Caption References Avatar Dan Koelsch, February 5, 2010 Funny and cute captions for images has been a staple on the Internet for years (see: LOLcats), with some of the funniest coming from images that are on their own serious or unrelated to the topic of the caption. Taking pictures out of context and mentioning other Internet memes and other demographically relatable subjects ensures maximum “lulz”. With ABC’s LOST being popular with the Internet crowd, it’s no surprise that it has fallen into this LOL category itself. Check out the latest incarnation that incorporates Avatar after the jump. To see more (and in my opinion funnier) LOST LOL captions, including the rest of the one at top, check out our partners over at Fused Film. Viral Marketing ABCAvatarCaptionLOST
“Robocop” Viral Website For Omnicorp Is Updated With An Entire Line-Up Of New Products July 19, 2013It’s been a while since we last saw any updates from the Omnicorp website (it’s been an entire year!?). But finally, the leader in bio-mechatronic engineering, and the company also responsible for creating Robocop, the half robot, half human law enforcement officer, has resurfaced with a bevy of new content…. Read More
Breaking: District 9 Trailer With Subtitles and No Pixelation! May 6, 2009April 7, 2010Usually I don’t post individual viral updates, especially for District 9 (I usually leave that up to Nick over at, our sister website) but this is brand new and caught my attention. New forum member ‘nuorigin’ found an alternate District 9 trailer in which the alien’s speech is subtitled,… Read More
Reviews “A Million Ways To Die In The West” Review: MacFarlane’s West Could’ve Been Wilder, But It’s Still A Fist Full of Funny May 30, 2014As a huge fan of Seth MacFarlane‘s humor in general, I looked forward to seeing his comedic spin on the Western genre with his sophomore directorial effort, A Million Ways to Die in the West. He’s done a fun job skewering and paying homage to a slew of well known… Read More