12 Days of Viral – DAY EIGHT Scott Caldwell, December 20, 2009December 20, 2009 On the eighth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Contests and winnings Not too many virals are going this route, but when they do, the response is overwhelming. 2012 in fact had a couple of contests rolled into one campaign. First they had the ambassadors program. A simple contest where the winner (our own Nick was one of them) really had to do nothing, but in the end, got a title, and a shirt.But then they decided to break out the big guns. Forget silly ambassadors, they wanted a new leader. The leader of the Post-2012 world. Filled with strategic games, voting, and good old competition, this game quickly spread through forums and social networking alike. Hell, even I joined. Thought I was doing well too. I was wrong. But, the winner of the competition did decide to join our community and there was a friendly rivalry between him, and another member. Not just a t-shirt this time. Cancun and electronics were the winners prize. The next contest, is not so much a contest, as it was a way to get more people involved in a film who’s viral was strictly word of mouth. Paranormal Activity had so much extra money to burn after it’s success at the box office, that it gave it’s viewers both the chance to have their name on the DVD, and win a release party for one person and a bunch of friends to view the film. Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series: A trailer without a title A Twitter account with the truth Three Websites My face on the site 800 Numbers Password protection Facebook interaction Viral Marketing 2012paranormal activity
Infiltrate Encom International With A New Tron Legacy Viral Game March 10, 2010March 10, 2010Have you ever wanted to infiltrate Enocm International? Well, now you can. A new Tron Legacy viral game can help you out – if you’re worthy. The game was found within the most recent update on the FlynnLives discussion forums. It leads us to Arcade Aid, which seems to be… Read More
DVD Tuesday: Sci-Fi Blu-rays Under $10 October 27, 2009October 27, 2009New DVD and Blu-ray movies usually release on Tuesdays, so most of the film blogs will promote and review them. We, as usual, like to take a different approach, so we’ll try to find the more obscure deals out there. Today, we bring you Sci-Fi films that are now on… Read More
Knight and Day Interactive Trailer Lets You Help Tom Cruise Fight Bad Guys June 18, 2010August 5, 2010I’ve been a little harsh on Tom Cruise lately. Well, technically I’ve been hard on his new film, Knight and Day, for its attempts at making viral videos. However, I do have to say that the film looks fantastic, and we’re just now starting to hear reviews that match that… Read More