LOST Video Round-Up: Fan-Made and Official Corey, February 9, 2010February 9, 2010 Everyone by now already knows I’m a huge fan of ABC’s LOST and all of the awesome fan-created content that we’ve gotten over the years. I’m also a fan of the Keyboard Cat, a silly YouTube video turned internet meme and later an internet phenomenon. It’s addition to any video making it 100 times funnier. Keyboard Cat “plays someone off” when said person “fails” or something goes wrong for them, almost like he was pulling them off the stage with a long cane. LOST has a lot of funny parody videos among their collection of fan created content, and this video, Play Her Off Keyboard Cat, is probably one of the funniest in there. Thanks to /Film, we have a few more funny LOST-related fan videos, including a vision of the show’s opening if done in the 1960s, and a comparison of two versions of the Oceanic 815 plane fight, which clearly shows the differences in how they were filmed. Last, but certainly not least, check out Dark UFO to see a trailer for the season 6 Blu-Ray, which has a bunch of juicy footage and soundbites from this season. ABC’s LOST is in its 6th and finale season, and you can catch it on Tuesdays at 9/8c. We’ll have a review of tonight’s episode “What Kate Does” after it airs on the West Coast. Viral Marketing ABCKeyboard CatLOSTViral video
“The Hunger Games” Viral Knows Who You Are August 29, 2011August 30, 2011Maybe Lionsgate didn’t give it some thought at first, but when we wrote an article about a possible viral site for The Hunger Games, the studio called to inform us that they weren’t marketing such a site nor were they affiliated with it. Naturally we edited it to inform you… Read More
Flash Forward: Fans Stage Blackout In Protest June 8, 2010You may have noticed that an ABC show ended recently answering fewer questions than it asked. No, we’re not talking about Lost, but another ABC show, Flash Forward. Fans think it ended too soon and are going to let ABC know how they feel on June 10th. Read More
Zombie-Proof Your Car and Home! October 24, 2012September 21, 2013Back in June, we reported that Robert Kirkman, creator and writer of The Walking Dead comics, had designed a Zombie-Proof Car for Comic-Con. However, that was a promotion with Hyundai, so I’m sure there were some limitations in place. If you’re prepping for the zombie apocalypse in December, never fear,… Read More