Viral Video: Avatar… with Babies Dan Koelsch, February 20, 2010February 21, 2010 The beginning of the year is a popular time to make viral videos based off movies. Last winter we saw multitudes of Twilight parodies, and this year we have Avatar. Sketch comedy artists The Midnight Show have made a trailer for a version of Avatars where adults are the aliens and the babies are the humans. Check it out after the jump.Avatar… with Babies from The Midnight Show Viral Marketing AvatarViral video
New “Halo: Reach” Live Action Trailer August 18, 2010August 18, 2010The Halo universe has always been about non-stop futuristic action with continuous explosions, deaths, destruction, and drama. The live-action test footage and trailers have shown it well. That is why this Halo: Reach live action action trailers feel so different. Check out more after the jump. Read More
Right Turn You Must: Yoda’s TomTom Recording Session July 27, 2010The latest in TomTom’s clever viral videos promoting their new line of Star Wars voices for GPS devices has hit the web. This time, it is Master Yoda himself who went into the studio to record his lines. Like Darth Vader before him, the process was less than smooth, but… Read More
Let Me In’s “Bloody” Viral Marketing July 14, 2010July 16, 2010To me, one of the best forms of viral marketing is that physical piece that gives the recipient a special feeling. Sometimes it’s a cell phone or a flash drive with confidential info. Perhaps it’s a wallet or a birthday cake. And sometimes, it’s a funnel…. with dried up blood… Read More