Viral Video: Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer Dan Koelsch, March 11, 2010March 10, 2010 Have you ever felt like every movie campaigning for an Academy Award was the same, or at least promoted the same way? Well, the guys behind Britanick Comedy think so, so they put together a faux trailer that shows just how easy it is to make an Oscar-worthy ad. Check it out after the jump. You can see more of their short videos on YouTube, as well as the SXSW festival this month, where they will be showing their short film Eagles Are Turning People Into Horses. Viral Marketing Academy AwardsBritanickSXSWViral video
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Villain Takes a Page from General Zod in Viral Video April 20, 2013April 20, 2013It’s easy to forget that Summer blockbuster movies open internationally, especially when the marketing that is not often tailored to them. Paramount’s Star Trek Into Darkness, however, has a viral video on a few international versions of Yahoo! and official Facebook pages where the antagonist John Harrison (played by Benedict… Read More
C2E2 2012: DC Comics’ “Before Watchmen” Viral Hits The Show Floor April 15, 2012April 15, 2012One would think with The Dark Knight Rises hitting theaters in a few months, DC Comics would pull out all the stops to capitalize on what is arguably the most anticipated film of all time. While Marvel was proudly pushing their film properties at their C2E2 booth by handing out… Read More
Tweet to See an Early Screening of “The Hunger Games” In Your Hometown February 29, 2012February 29, 2012Just 24 days remain until the release of Gary Ross’ adaptation of The Hunger Games, and to celebrate Lionsgate is allowing you, the fan, to see an early release of the movie via twitter. Only the top four will receive the prize based on how many people tweet a hashtag… Read More