Infiltrate Encom International With A New Tron Legacy Viral Game Nick Butler, March 10, 2010March 10, 2010 Have you ever wanted to infiltrate Enocm International? Well, now you can. A new Tron Legacy viral game can help you out – if you’re worthy. The game was found within the most recent update on the FlynnLives discussion forums. It leads us to Arcade Aid, which seems to be a website for arcade-related repairs, but it also includes this hidden link. It’s a game which will test your knowledge of, well, games. Upon completion, you will be taken to a website where you can infiltrate Ecnom and make your very own Encom I.D. badge (which you’ll get in the mail). More after the jump.In order to beat the challenge and gain access to the Encom I.D. maker, you must use your knowledge of video games to identify 56 games hidden within the poster. If you feel like cheating, head over to Unfiction where they’ve got this all figured out.Click the image to begin playing!Our friend Alex from brings up a good point about the possibilities with this badge comparing it to The Dark Knight viral and building up the Joker’s army. It’s very clear these badges will be for something, the question is for what exactly? We’ll keep you updated with any new developments, and make sure to follow Unficition’s discussions.Thanks to Alex from for the heads up. What do you think about the Encom I.D. badges? What will they be used for? Leave a comment below with your answers! Viral Marketing TronTron Legacy
$300 YouTube Video Lands Filmmaker a $30 Million Movie Deal December 19, 2009December 19, 2009How’s this for the power of the Internet? Federico Alvarez, a Uraguayan filmmaker, posted a video on YouTube in early November titled “Ataque de Panico” (Panic Attack), and within days received a slue of offers from Hollywood studios to make a feature length film. He eventually settled with Ghost House… Read More
The Abomination Featured in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Viral Video May 9, 2013May 9, 2013A video is making the rounds today online, and is apparently be promoting Marvel’s new television show Agents of SHIELD (which is expected to have a full season pick up tomorrow). The 7 second clip seems to show events from a previous Marvel Studios film. Check it out after the… Read More
Conan Supporters Get Their Revenge on Hulu May 24, 2010May 24, 2010The war may be over, there are still soldiers fighting on. The NBC Late Night fiasco that kicked off at the beginning of the year demonstrated the passion of Conan O’Brien’s fans. While the comedian has a new show on TBS, and doesn’t have anything to fear from George Lopez,… Read More
Can’t wait to get my Encom badge, but no idea what purpose it’ll serve. Must confirm that the users at Unfiction have been all over the Tron viral game.